Upcoming Club Events

RSC Aggregate #2, Sunday 25th Aug @ Aquahub

Entries for aggregate number #2 2024-2025 season are now open on Swim Central. Please read the important information below (particularly the section under squad/stream event allocation) to avoid your child missing competing or to avoid them missing points. 


The Club Aggregate is a series of 8 club races held over several Sundays throughout the swimming season. To cover the costs of the coaches attending on the day, the club has decided to charge a $2 ex-GST charge per event.  Enter aggregates via Swim Central, click on the following link if you need assistance on how to enter - How to Enter a Meet – Swimming Australia Online Support Portal  


The focus of aggregates is 100% on fun and personal improvement.  Below is a listing of events that your swimmer can enter based on their squad level.  


Swimmers will gain points by participating in the events allocated to their squad level. These points go towards the Age Aggregate Awards at the end of the season at Presentation Night (June 2025). Points are awarded on personal best times from past aggregates. The more your times improve from past aggregates as the season goes on, the more points you can earn. Swimmers need to attend at least 4 out of the 8 aggregates we run through the year to qualify for awards.


 Performance stream squad swimmers will be expected to help the Club Captains run the aggregate events, however, are welcome to swim some events for fun.  Participation is not compulsory for Performance squad swimmers. Performance stream squads will gain aggregate points by attending targeted meets during the season- more information will be provided to these squads soon.  


The long-distance event in each aggregate counts towards the RSC Open Champ awards at the end of the season at Presentation Night.  Your best time of the season for every stroke and distance combination gets compared to the best time of other RSC swimmers.  You get points awarded based on your ranking between the RSC swimmers for stroke and distance combined.  The performance stream squads also get points awarded for these long-distance events. 


If earning points for awards does not interest your swimmer, that’s fine, please encourage them to still participate in the fun! This is a fantastic way to spend a Sunday afternoon practicing those race skills for the first, second or hundredth time! If you are new to RSC this is a fantastic way to get to know other parents and swimmers, and for your swimmer to get comfortable with some racing in a fun and friendly atmosphere. 


Parents – At least one parent should be in attendance with the swimmer. Please do not just drop your swimmers at the pool. We will need parent assistance to help time keep on the day. Timekeeping is the best seat in the house and a great way to get involved in your swimmer’s sport.  




Please ONLY enter your children in the events below as per the squad/stream they are assigned to.   


Entering your child outside of these events will result in them being unable to swim and/or no points being recorded.  


You can also only enter one distance per stroke + IM and/or the long distance event, if your squad has the option of different distances.   For example, if your child’s squad has the option of either 50m Freestyle or 100m Freestyle they can do either, but NOT both.  


Swimmers entered outside of the two above rules will result in no swims or no points. 


Junior Stream – Novice, Blue, Bronze, Silver, and Gold Squad 

Competitive Stream – Platinum, Platinum Junior Talent, State Target, and Junior State Squad 

Performance Stream – State Performance, National Target, and National Squad 


Short Course 

Event 01 – 200m IM  - Competitive Stream  

Event 03 – 50m Back - Junior and Competitive Stream 

Event 04 – 100m Back - Competitive Stream  

Event 05 – 400m IM - Competitive and Performance Stream  

Event 06 – 50m Fly - Junior and Competitive Stream 

Event 07 – 100m Fly - Competitive Stream 

Event 09 – 50m Breast - Junior and Competitive Stream 

Event 10 – 100m Breast - Competitive Stream  

Event 12 – 50m Free - Junior and Competitive Stream 

Event 13 – 100m Free - Competitive Stream 


Adults and Masters swimmers can enter any distance (excluding 25m Fly), however again MUST only enter one distance per stroke.  


Any questions or concerns, please contact comps@ringwoodswimmingclub.org.au.   


 Entries for this event close at 10pm on Wednesday 21st August.  

Please enter prior to this as late entries will not be accepted.