Parent News

Council of Catholic Schools Parents - CCSP
Newsletter - 2024 Issue 3 OUT NOW!!!
Catholic Schools Parents Association
CSPA - family engagement resources
- Letter from Catholic Schools Parents Association
- FB posts
- Media Release
NCEC - National Catholic Education Commission
Family Relationship Centre
Please see below for upcoming courses
“What makes children get better following a trauma is connection to other human beings, human beings who are present, who are patient, who are kind, who are sensitive. And they don’t need to be necessarily psychologically insightful, they don’t need to know anything about trauma (to really help a child) all they need to know is that they are right there with this child, they are trying to be comforting, they are trying to be supportive, trying to be encouraging; these interactions tend to be more therapeutic and healing than many of the other things we try to do with kids.” - Bruce D. Perry, M.D.,Ph.D. -
"If you are an adult whether you are a teacher, in law enforcement, a parent, a foster parent whatever you are and you know that a child has been exposed to something that is potentially traumatic, the first thing you should be aware of is that not all traumatic events lead to disastrous mental health outcomes, in fact, the vast majority of children that are traumatised actually do pretty well, but they do need your attention, they do need your kind support and they do need your awareness about what are the warning signs that would tell you to actually take the next step and get some professional help” - Dr Bruce Perry
Dr. Perry is the Principal of the Neurosequential Network and a Professor (Adjunct) in the Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago and the School of Allied Health, College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
“One of the single, most important understanding that parents (and educators) can have is to realise that trauma creates fear in children and anger has an underlying element of fear, so instead of focussing just on the anger, we can address the fear in children and calm and soothe the fear that will make the anger go away rather than just focussing on the anger” – Bryan Post is one of America’s foremost child behaviour experts and founder of the Post Institute for Family-Centred Therapy. The Post Institute works with adults, children and families struggling with early life trauma and the impact on the development of the mind/body system.
Zoom courses are here!
All welcome. It’s cold and nobody wants to come out, below are some courses you can take in the privacy of your own home while the kids are at school. And they are all FREE!
For more information please call Pedro on 6738 7200 or to register 1800 372 826
Please note: Courses will only go ahead if there are enough numbers, registration is essential.
Real Talk Parents Free Membership
The Armidale Catholic School Office has arranged for our entire school community (parents, teachers and staff) to have free premium level access to our Real Talk Parents membership site. Click on the link below to take advantage of this great resource.