Year 2 Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Homework - ‘Playing a game with my family and friends’
This term, through our Wellbeing and Inquiry lessons we are focusing on co-operation and playing well with others. Today your child will come home with a show and tell roster, information about what’s required and a report template. To support this learning, our Show and Tell will be a reflection on a time when your child has played a game with others - it can be with family or friends, structured or unstructured play. We ask that you then help your child reflect on their play experience and complete the report template.These reports are due back at school from week 6, where your child will present their Show and Tell to their class.
What have we been up to in the classroom?
In Maths, we have looked at the connection between repeated addition, skip counting and multiplication. Students have had fun using blocks, lego and other items around our classes to make ‘groups of’ to practice counting, addition, and multiplication.
It would be great if the students were practicing their number facts at home where possible. Regular practice helps children recall facts quickly and accurately, boosting their confidence.
In Literacy, we have started writing our Autobiographies. Thank you for helping your child to fill out their ‘about me’ planning sheet.
In inquiry students worked in groups to design and build a marble run. This was fun and great to see such cooperation and creativity. (2A are doing this on Thursday)
Reuse and Recycle!
Do you want to make space in your cupboards? If you have any of the following items sitting unused in your cupboards, we would love to make use of them!
- Dress-ups, lego, craft supplies, games
Fruit Snack
If possible please pack fruit snack in a separate container, so that it can be left on the table at the beginning of the day.
- Please continue to read and return readers.
- Mathletics tasks are set and available for your child to complete at home if you choose.
- Book week - Week 6
ThanksThe Year 2 Team.