Year 12 News

 Kristin Pfitzner & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators

We congratulate Year 12 students on settling into this busy term. Time is flying and students only have a handful of weeks left of their formal schooling.


German Poetry Competition

A special thanks to German students Mal O’Brien and Emily Preston who attended the Wimmera Mallee German Regional Poetry Final. Mal and Emily discussed their experiences with learning German and highlighted the importance of continuing with a language to a higher level.


SEAS and Scholarship Presentation

Caleb Smith, a former Horsham College student presented a lunchtime session as part of the Deakin Engagement and Access Program. Caleb provided information regarding SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme) and scholarship applications. Students are encouraged to begin collecting supporting documentation for these applications if required.


VTAC Presentation

Mr Berger has led two lunchtime sessions for students with regards to setting up a VTAC account and navigating your way around the VTAC course selection process. If you were unable to attend a session, please contact the Year 12 Team for further assistance.


Extra Help Sessions

Thank you to the Year 12 English teachers who are running optional English support sessions either at lunchtime or after school: Additional academic sessions will also run throughout this Term on a Thursday lunchtime that will have specific focuses including exam tips, creating your own study tools, and busting procrastination. 


Week 5 Quote/ Passage Analysis (The Memory Police)Wed after School
Week 6 Breaking down essay topicsTues lunch
Week 7Text Response Paragraph Structuring and using analytical verbs and vocab choicesTues lunch
Week 8 Authorial IntentTues lunch
Week 9 PlanningTues lunch
Week 10 Text ConstructionWed after School