

At Sacred Heart Primary School we understand that supporting your child's wellbeing is a top priority. Our school is committed to working closely with parents and carers to create a nurturing environment for all students. We offer a range of support services and resources to help you navigate the challenges of parenting and to ensure your child thrives. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s classroom teacher or contact the Wellbeing leader Miss Marly Fountain to discuss any social or emotional support we can provide.  


Miss Marly Fountain (Wellbeing Leader) 





Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Your Best. 

This week we are focusing on the choices we make and how making the right choices can have a positive impact on all of those around us. It is important that we are learning about how these choices shape who we become and the kind of people we will be towards others. 

Our fortnightly blitz is: 

“The choices we make reflect who we are. Make the RIGHT CHOICES and you will go far”.  



The Resilience Project

We work closely with The Resilience Project to support the well-being of our school community. The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs and provides evidence-based, practical strategies to build resilience.



Parent & Carer Hub 

At Sacred Heart Primary, we work closely with The Resilience Project to support the well-being of our school community. The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs and provides evidence-based, practical strategies to help our students and community to build resilience. 

 Part 5: Connection 

The next part of The Resilience Project's digital series is about creating Authentic Connections.  

Brene Brown, a research professor, defines connection as being the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued. Therefore, creating an environment where children feel this way will provide the opportunity to build important authentic connections.  

View Part 5 of the series here:  https://theresilienceproject.com.au/2023-parent-carer-hub-inspire-hugh-martin/ 

In this presentation, Hugh shares a few strategies to help build an authentic connection with your children or any person in your life. The key is to listen, validate, label emotions and then offer assistance to help solve the problem if the other person wants that assistance. 

For further mental health resources and support information, visit The Resilience Project’s Support Page