Library News

The Book Fair
Last Friday, the annual Book Fair began in the library, and we’ve already had excited students buy new books and fun stationery. It’s been great to see families visit today, too. Students will take home a wishlist of things they’re interested in, but there is no expectation to buy. Please see the included photos of the book stands to see the items your child has written on their wishlist. If you have any queries about the Book Fair, please contact me at school or
Book Fair opening times:
Before school (8.30 am - 9 am)
Snack Breaks (1.30 pm-1.50 pm Primary and 2 - 2.20 pm Secondary)
After school 3.20 pm - 4.00 pm
Students can also view and buy during their library lessons.
Eftpos is available.
The book fair will close on Friday, September 2nd, at 9 a.m. Thank you once again for your ongoing support of the library. We receive a credit from all sales to purchase more books for students to enjoy.
There are two tables of great $8 buys. These book packs include a great story, a rubber, and a pencil.
Books of the Week
This week, we begin reading the Early Childhood Books of the Year.
K-2 will enjoy the beautiful friendship story, ‘Bear and Duck are Friends’ by Sue deGennaro. Duck is a brave and exciting character who loves new adventures and challenges. Bear does not. The story is a great introduction to discussing having a go at things and moving out of our comfort zone. It got a big double thumbs up from Kindergarten yesterday.
Stage 2 is reading the first book in the Picture Book category, ‘Timeless’ by Kelly Canby. I’m sure this is a story we can all relate to, as it’s a story about time. Or the lack of it, which we can sometimes feel. Young Emit wants to slow down his family, who are always busy. He discovers, though, that the only way to do this is to find more time yourself. As this book is in the Picture Book section, its illustrations are really well done. They combine child-like drawings with colourful fonts, and the endpapers are stunning.
Finally, Stage 3 is reading the first chapter of ‘Being Jimmy Baxter’ by Fiona Lloyd. Books in the Younger Reader category are written to appeal to upper primary and lower secondary students, so they can often be more mature, which these students enjoy. The reader is introduced to some heavy themes up front, but the story is delivered with layers of good humour to engage the reader. I’ll keep you posted on their thoughts and see if the first chapter hooks them.
Premier’s Reading Challenge - Ending Soon!
Congratulations to the super readers who have completed the PRC over the last few weeks. With only a few weeks to go, if your child needs some extra books to finish, please let me know, and I can help them. Please don’t forget to print their completed reading logs and send them to the library for validation.
Closing Date - Friday, 23rd of August.
SORA Books of the Week
SORA's theme this week is books with numbers. I didn’t realise there were so many stories with numbers in the title! Instructions for logging in to SORA are available here.
Meet the Reviewer
Bethany has once again completed a review of another Older Reader Book of the Year. In her words, she reviews ‘The Quiet and the Loud’ by Helena Fox.
Last But Not Least…
I had to display some stories about the Olympics and sports. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!
Another tooth went in the library. I hope the tooth fairy found you, Ruby.
Some lucky (and happy) kids at the Book Fair.
Happy reading,
Mrs Toni Fraser