In This Newsletter 

 Principal Report

  • Acting Assistant Principal
  • NAPLAN Results for Year 3 & 5 Students
  • Landscaping Works
  • Ramp Works
  • Pyjama Day
  • Swimming 2024
  • Year 7 Placement Letters
  • Prep Enrolments 2025 Open

Canteen Ordering & Menu

Extend Before and After Care

MWPS Playgroup



Upcoming Events

Prep Enrolment Tours - fortnightlyWednesdays (contact the office)
Pyjama Day19th July 2024
Prep Enrolments Due26th July 2024
Assembly Performance26th July 2024 PREP A and Drumbeat
Year 7 Placement Letters Due7th August 2024
Swimming Prep to 2's2nd September - 6th September 2024
Swimming 3 to 69th September - 13th September 2024



Melton West Primary School is a Child Safe School 

We hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school and base all our decisions on what’s best for the students. Please talk to a staff member if you have any concerns about a child’s safety at any time.