Assistant Principal Reports
Deanne Scott/Spira Antonopoulos
Assistant Principal Reports
Deanne Scott/Spira Antonopoulos
Hello Everyone,
Our school is conducting the annual Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey offered by the Department of Education and is seeking your feedback.
The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement.
The survey is optional, but we encourage and appreciate your participation.
Our school will use the survey results to assist in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies.
A link and PIN to complete the survey will be sent to you via Compass and email on Monday 29 July.
The survey:
The survey will finish on Friday 30 August 2024.
If you are having trouble accessing the survey at home, there will be some iPads available at school for you to use. Some parents who are on our School Council will have them and be available to help you before the end of the school day, from around 3pm.
This will start on Monday 5th August.
Should you have any questions about the survey, please see the office.
Should you wish to volunteer at any time during the school year, you must complete a Volunteer Induction Session. It is a requirement of the Victorian Education Department, that any volunteer be inducted into the school.
There are many ways that you can volunteer at our school. Some possible ways could include:
You will need to have a current Working With Children Check (the form to apply for one is available from the Post Office or online) and complete the school induction program annually (every year).
For more information, please see the DPW Information and Upcoming Events section of our school newsletter.
The Volunteer Induction Session for Term 3 will be held next Friday, August the 2nd at 9.15am.
Pride and Integrity Raffle
This raffle, to recognize all of the students who are attending school on time, will continue this year. This is to acknowledge the students demonstrating Pride and Integrity by being ready to learn each day.
Every student who is at school, and in their classroom, before the bell (9am) will have their name added to the class attendance box. So, if they are present on time, every day of the week, they will have 5 entries into the raffle.
Last week’s class winners were:
FA – Beyza, FB – Ayla, 1A – Iang, 1B – Vitali, 2A – Elissah, 2B – Abdullah, 2C – Sarah, 3A – Jensen, 3B – Anthony, 3C – Elissa, 4A – Amir, 4B – Alice, 5A – Hyab, 5B – Levisan, 5C – Jeslyn, 6A – Elianna, 6B – Olivya, 6C - Reina.
The raffle winner was Hyab from 5A! Congratulations!
Hyab received 15 PACs for Pride & Integrity
‘How many words can you make from these letters:’
The aim is to collaborate with 1 -3 friends or family members (no more than 4 people per entry) to make as many words of 3 letters or more from a given lot of letters, as well as trying to find a word that uses the most of the letters as possible.
For example, if the letters are P, F, H, U, E, L, L you can make the words: help, full, elf, pull, fuel, helpful.
Last week’s letters were: A, R, W, N, D, E, N, O, L, D
The word using all of the letters is WONDERLAND
Some of the words you could make are: land, wonder, won, old, warn, war, raw, den, nod, rod, ran, wane, wean, lean, law, lawn, load, drew, warden, lord
Students collaborating for week 1’s Challenge earnt a PAC each.
The students were:
Emily 1A & Andrew 3A (& mum)
Elizabeth, Boston, Lani & Jake 5A
Week 2’s letters are: O, M, T, A, K, W, E, R
Please hand your answers to the office before 3.30pm on Wednesday 31st July.
Congratulations to the follow students who participated in last weeks challenge, you have earn yourself a PAC.
Emily 1A, Andrew 3A (& mum)- made 19 words using the letters provided
Elizabeth, Boston, Jake & Lani 5A- made 31 words using the letters provided
Kind regards,
Deanne Scott
Assistant Principal
Many thanks,
Spira Antonopoulos
Acting Assistant Principal