Fantastic 3/4

 Term 3 Week 3 & 4 2024 

What have we been up to? 

It has been a busy couple of weeks but all the students are doing a wonderful job of embracing new learning opportunities that Term 3 is presenting. Olympic fever has hit an all time high and students thoroughly enjoyed creating and presenting their posters about an Olympian. Thank you to all the families and guardians who supported the students to make some fantastic and informative posters.

Students have continued working through the Morpheme Magic program and the Little Learners Love Literacy program and have enjoyed being exposed to a range of different word origins and phonemes. Weekly visits to the library have supported students to read regularly and the excitement of the readathon has motivated many students to get involved with the fundraising drive and pick up a book. Students have also been using the strategy of a ‘think aloud’ when reading different texts to make thinking more visible.

In Writing, students have continued learning about different poetic devices and how these can be used by writers to bring their poems to life. Over the last two weeks, students have been learning to use alliteration and personification in their poems. Students used personification to embody the feelings and thoughts of inanimate objects and then describe their surroundings. They have also explored how Onomatopoeia can be used to give a poem more interest. Students will continue developing their understanding of different poetic devices and begin learning about how to use language to enhance imagery and create an engaging narrative.

In Maths, students have begun the final week of a four week learning program about fractions. They have been learning how fractions can be represented in different ways, at their point of need, through concrete materials, explicit teaching and collaborative learning activities. In Week 5 and 6 students will begin a unit of work surrounding money. They will be investigating how different values of money can be added together and how change works when purchasing items.

This Term in Inquiry, students have begun learning about the role that local governments play in the lives of their constituents. After briefly exploring the three levels of Australian Government and their unique responsibilities at a local, state and national level, students will investigate their own local government and envisage ways of creating a better local community.