Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community,
Mary of the Cross, (15 January 1842 – 8 August 1909) was an Australian religious sister of Scottish descent who was declared Australia's first saint by the Catholic Church. She was born in Melbourne but is best known for her activities in South Australia. She founded the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (the Josephites), a congregation of religious sisters that established a number of schools and welfare institutions throughout with an emphasis on education for the rural poor.
Each year on the 8th of August we celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Australia's beloved first saint and patron saint of our Archdiocese is observed.
Mary MacKillop Prayer
God of the Pilgrim, Mary MacKillop trusted your guidance in her journey of life and deepened her confidence in your will. May we renew our trust in your Providence to lead us to hope as we bring our prayer before you. May we grow in the fullness of your love and the depth of your mystery.
100 Days of Foundation
If you think your last 100 days have been challenging, have a look at today’s photo of our Foundation class as they celebrate 100 days at Sacred Heart. Perhaps we have been working them too hard!!!
Exhibition of Learning - Keep the Date
As mentioned in last week's newsletter, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) are conducted annually for schools in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. This year’s MACSSIS window is from Monday 2 September to Friday 20 September 2024.
As part of compliance with regulatory authorities, Sacred Heart School is expected to engage with, and gather feedback from our community as part of our school improvement cycle through MACSISS. We are encouraged to view MACSSIS as a positive opportunity for gathering feedback and engaging our community in ongoing school improvement efforts.
All our students in Year Four to Year Six will be invited to access MACSSIS, with their teachers on hand to help during supervised sessions at school.
Families will be randomly selected and invited to participate as well, using a confidential code and PIN.
All staff will be expected to participate in the surveys again like students and families, with conditions of confidentiality in place.
Meet Some Of Our New Students In Foundation Class 2025
Teacher Appreciation
This weeks staff member in the spotlight for all they bring to Sacred Heart - James
Parents and Friend's News
The great news confirmed this week ........our dinner dance is on. We have a venue .......the parish hall in David Street. More exciting news will follow in the coming weeks. Remember ........Friday 22nd November!
Some Scenes from this Week at Sacred Heart
In the Spirit of the Feast Day of Mary Mackillop
Yours Sincerely