The Desperate Need of Restoration
Across this year we have been exploring the theme of restoration. We’ve talked a lot about it, but given the tragic situations we see across the world and the heartache of many in Australia, we know that restoration is something we desperately need.
We have spoken about restoration having 4 key areas:
Restoration with God our Creator, Redeemer, and Healer
We seek this because restoration is such a huge thing that we need help. Have you ever tried to make a situation better and then discovered you made it worse? I have.
We need to work with God and follow God in bringing restoration.
Restoration with ourselves
We all need inner restoration. We all have things in ourselves that cause us grief and angst. We need inner healing.
Restoration with others
We all have broken relationships, whether that be with family, friends, colleagues, or even strangers.
Restoration with creation
Restoration with creation is about more than just the environment. It’s about everything. The planet. The whole creation. Cultural restoration. Restoration between nations, tribes, and communities.
So, restoration is huge. It’s immense.
There is so much restoration to be done. And when I see a situation like what is happening in Israel, or in Northern Africa, or Myanmar, or when I’m reminded of climate change and how even the choices I make have an impact, I feel overwhelmed. And the research on the young people we serve states that many of them are overwhelmed. And so, I ask what can I do?
Our view on Restorative Practices would say to me that whatever I do, it is always best done with others.
So we pray, knowing that Jesus disciples, and Jesus himself, prays. We give financially to organisations that help, knowing we partner with others who are doing something.
And we do what we can, where we can, as we can, knowing that we are doing so with others.
The bible speaks often of a restored creation. The below words are one of many times the bible speaks of what a future, a restored creation, will look like:
25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and dust will be the serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” says the Lord.
These words give a picture of fully restored relationships. Creatures that are thought today of predator and prey become friends, and harm and destruction isn’t known.
May we all hope, pray, and work for a world where no one and nothing in all creation needs to be afraid of anyone or anything. May we know that this is what God is working in us and with us as we seek to bring restoration to our world.
Chris Mann
College Pastor
Indonesia Service Trip 2024
We are very excited to announce that 2024 will see the resumption of the Indonesian Service Trip for students in Years 9 – 11.
In 2018 and 2019, students and staff travelled to North Sumatra to support our three partner schools. Some of you may also remember in 2020, that as a College community we sent money for food packages to these schools to help support teachers, who due to COVID, were not being paid but were still working to connect with and educate students.
We are excited to be able to start to rebuild this connection, in the first instance by taking a group of students and staff to work in these schools.
Students will spend some time in the school's supporting students with their English learning and building relationships. In the afternoons and on rest days the team will visit local sites including tea plantations, markets, temples and an elephant sanctuary.
To finish the approximately 11 day trip, the team will travel to Lake Toba/Samosir Island for some debrief time and then fly back to Australia.
Given the nature of the trip, there will be work in the term prior to leaving to prepare English lessons and learn about the culture and language. Stay tuned for details of a family meeting in Week 5 which will outline the processes for applying, a more detailed itinerary, preparations and costings.
Sandra Barry
Helen Carter
Brenton Herne
Service Learning Teachers