Scotsburn News 

Important Dates

Whole School Assemblies

Friday 10th November

Wednesday 20th December

Scotsburn Assemblies

Friday 17th November

Friday 24th November

SC2 Explorer WalkFriday 3rd November
Melbourne Cup (student free day)Tuesday 7th November
Scotsburn Swimming sessionsMonday 13th November - Friday 17th November
Student free dayWednesday 22nd November
Energy BreakthroughThursday 23rd November - Friday 24th November
Grandparents and Special Friends Day Friday 1st December (9am - 11am)
Scotsburn Sleepover Thursday 7-8th December
Parent Teacher Interviews

Monday 11th December (4pm - 6pm)

Wednesday 13th December (1pm finish for students)

Public Schools Orientation DayTuesday 12th December
Scotsburn Christmas ConcertMonday 18th December
Grade 6 Graduation EveningTuesday 19th December
Last Day of Term 4Wednesday 20th December (1:30pm finish)

SC2 Explorer Walk - Change of Date!

For SC2, our third and final exploration walk has had a change of date. SC2 will be dressing up and completing their third walk THIS FRIDAYWe have also decided that this will be completed AT SCOTSBURN, meaning that we will be starting and finishing the day at Scotsburn this Friday. There will be no walk of the Union Jack on either Wednesday or on Friday, so please encourage students to dress as an explorer on Friday, as we will be completing a shorter walk around our local campus. 

Bunjil Award Winners

Congratulations to last week’s Bunjil Award winners! A big congratulations also to our kindness raffle winners who had the chance to spin Mr Walsh’s wheel and win a prize.










Family Groups

It was brilliant to see the Sustainability group get out into the yard on Friday after a few weeks of poor weather. The veggie patch and a few more garden beds are looking much better, and are ready for some new planting. Cooking with Mr Walsh was again a hit, with students preparing a lovely chicken fried rice, and in the Team Building Group, students again worked on problem solving with the bridge-building challenge.

SC3 Elective Program continuing this Thursday afternoon at Buninyong

Last Thursday SC3 headed down for their first elective afternoon at the Buninyong campus. It was great to see our senior students mingle with the Buninyong classes, and we see this as another great opportunity to help prepare our Grade 6 students with their transition into secondary school. 

Scotsburn Sleepover 

This year we will be inviting students to attend a whole campus sleepover. Woo hoo! In the past, we have held a P-2 sleepover however due to our older students remembering and loving the experience (and begging us to include them), we have decided to include everyone. We know our students work and interact so well as a mixed-age group and we have no doubt that this experience will be exactly the same. The sleepover is designed to provide an exciting and enjoyable experience for students, preparing them for future school camp opportunities. This overnight event will foster team-building, outdoor engagement, as well as create lasting memories for all children. Students will go home after school to gather their belongings and prepare for the sleepover. Students are then invited to return to school at 6pm. Tea will be provided on the night along with breakfast, snacks, and lunch the following day. All activities will take place within the Scotsburn Campus. There will be a small cost involved of around $25 to cover all activities and food. As an additional fun activity and experience on the night, we are going to hold a movie night, with a big screen out on the oval (this will be weather dependent). We will invite all families that wish to attend to watch the movie with us on the night. We will provide more information as the date approaches. Please keep an eye on Compass for the permission form and more details. 


Scotsburn Swimming Program

Scotsburn’s turn for swimming at Federation University is only two weeks away. We look forward to heading down each day from Monday - Friday to participate in some lessons. 


Our specific lesson times are between 12.30pm - 1.15pm each day. We will be adjusting our eating and break times next week to fit around these times. 


Students are to come each day in normal school uniform, with a swimming bag containing swimming clothes, a towel and goggles. We will be sending home more specific information next week.

Grandparents and Special Friends Day

Grandparents and Special Friends Day is creeping up on us, with it now only a month away on December 1st. This has traditionally been a highlight on the calendar, and this year looks to be no different. The day will run from 9am - 11am at the Scotsburn campus, with some interactive activities planned for the grandparents and special friends to get involved in. 


We are also asking that parents could please bring a plate for morning tea on the day, which we will hold in the old building between 11am - 11.30am. Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for a personalised invitation to be sent home!

End of Year Scotsburn Concert and Picnic - KEEP IN THE CALENDAR!

Please keep in your diary the date for our end of year Scotsburn Concert and Picnic - Monday 18th December. As was the case last year, we will be running the concert between 2pm - 4pm. Over the next month, you will receive lots more information regarding end of year arrangements, however we wanted to have this one locked in the calendar for everyone!

Parent Volunteering

Thanks to those who have filled their name into some spaces for volunteering this term. There are still some spots left and we would love them filled.


If you are willing and able to assist in any way, please click on the link below and add your name to as many of the spaces you would like. Thanks in advance!

Toastie Tuesdays and Zooper Dooper Fridays

Toastie Tuesdays and Zooper Dooper Fridays will continue right throughout Term 4 at Scotsburn. Don’t forget your $1 coins!


SC1 Learning Snapshot 

It has been lovely to have some calm and low-key weeks, allowing for some outstanding learning to take place. The weather has certainly been a positive too with the sun being out more frequently. 


In Reading and Spelling, we have been learning about the long /a/ sound. This has been an exciting and challenging learning process. Each week your child comes home with a ‘Speed Read ’ or another reading/spelling focus activity. If time permits, please practise these each night with your child, either through reading or spelling the words. The students find these short activities really enjoyable at school so we hope the same happens at home and they can share with you their great learning. 


In Maths this week, our focus is changing to learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We will be looking at naming shapes and describing their features. 

Have a fabulous week.


Thanks, Ana and Kirsty 


SC2 Learning Snapshot 

Four weeks down, the term is flying for SC2! Students had a great week, participating in their second Union Jack walk. There was plenty for students to write about in their second diary entry, as the weather was changing by the second! Students have been putting a lot of time and effort into their cursive writing, as well as the vocabulary that they use to ensure that they are perceived as explorers throughout their entries. 


In Maths, students have been finishing off their treasure island maps. These will hopefully be displayed around the classroom by the end of the week, as we look to transition into our chance and data unit. As students have included all elements required for their maps, they have commenced creating questions that require their peers to use directional language to solve. 


Students have been using their comprehension strategies, such as skimming and scanning to review finding literal information within their reading. This will be a valuable skill throughout the commencement of their reading assessments this week. 

Have a great week! 



SC3 Learning Snapshot

Students in SC3 this week are beginning to draft their memoir on an important person in Australia’s history. We have been learning lots about memoirs and how to take on the personality of a different person, as well as add a bit of flair and exaggeration to our writing.


In Reading, SC3 have been deep diving into inferring the big message in the texts we read, in particular, non-fiction texts. It can be tricky to infer the big message in these types of texts, however the class have developed some effective strategies to help with this. 


This week is the beginning of our assessment period, and it has been brilliant to see the students undertake the first few assessments with such a positive attitude and growth mindset. I look forward to seeing some incredible growth in their learning.

Have another super week,



Specialist News

Well done to SC2 who are carefully completing their dry needle felting in Art at the moment. All students are being super careful with the special needles we are using which are incredibly delicate and very sharp! Dry needle felting requires a lot of patience and a steady hand. The students’ artwork is looking great and is nearly complete! Here are a couple of examples:

SC3 Cup Noodles and Totem Poles- Help needed!

This term in Japanese, SC3 students are learning about the history of cup noodles and how to pronounce various ramen ingredients, before undertaking their very own noodle design project. We are hoping to collect some plastic 2 minute noodle cups for the students to decorate and fill with their noodle creations. If your family eats 2 minute noodles at all, it would be great if you could please consider buying them in a cup variety for the next couple of weeks and saving the (washed) empty cups for us!


Please also see Liz if you are interested in volunteering an afternoon or two on a Tuesday or Wednesday to help SC3 students to paint their Grade 6 totem poles. 

Scotsburn Intercampus Travel

At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day.

We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher.

Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Anderson:

Mr Walsh:

Mrs Robinson:

Mrs Morgan:

Ms Middlin:


The Scotsburn Team