Principal's Report


A reminder to everyone that we have our Grandparents and Special Friends Day on December 1.  This is always a big event and one of the highlights on the school calendar.  Covid prevented us from welcoming in our grandparents and special friends for a few years, making last year’s event extra special.


If your children have grandparents that can attend, please invite them along, but if not, they are welcome to invite anyone else that is special to them…that might even be you. 

Our guests are invited to come along between 9am and 11am to visit classrooms and we will have people around to help visitors find the relevant classrooms.  Our teachers will organise activities during this time that allow our grandparents and special friends to get involved.


At 11am our visitors will be invited to the BER for some morning tea and a chat.  In the past we have had parents bring along a plate, resulting in an amazing spread for our grandparents to enjoy.  We’d like to do the same again and invite all families to send something along.  We also need a few adults to help organise and serve morning tea.  Please let the ladies in the office know if you are able to help.  We’ll be looking for helpers between 10am and midday, but any help during that period would be appreciated.


To give you a sense of the day, we have included some photos from last year’s event. 


Well done to our Prep Team (both campuses) who have been hosting kinder students over the past 4 weeks as part of our Pre-Schooler Program.  This is an important part of the transition process for next year’s preps, helping them to feel comfortable and confident in the school environment. As always, members of our Grade 6 Transition Team have been a big help and enjoyed being involved.


Don’t forget that there is no school next Tuesday.  This is a holiday for state schools across Victoria.


A reminder that you have until November 10 to let us know if you have significant issues we need to be aware of when allocating your child to a class for 2024.  Those messages can be communicated with your child’s teacher or one of the principal team members.  See last week’s newsletter for more detail relating to placement requests.