Secondary Community News

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)
Our school is not named after its Principal but after a past School Council Member who volunteered a great deal of his personal time including weekends to help. As well as making the place look great, he started up a lot of programs in the school, in particular with having students experiencing working out in the community. If you haven’t seen it there is a painting of him in the school foyer and a plaque for the senior students who have received the Russ Jackson award for their work in the community. Classes are asked to spend one or two sessions helping out others or the school to recognise his efforts.
Our class visited all the Prep and Grade 1/2 classes and sharpened all their pencils. We also took a large variety of toys, puzzles games and construction materials to the Prep classrooms to give each Prep teacher an extra session of planning / recovery time and engage the students in some fun activities while getting to know them. It went even better than we imagined, and all the students had a lot of fun. The year 7/8s were fantastic with the way they included the Preps.
Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)
For travel training and cafe this term, the 9/10s had an opportunity to travel to La Porchetta to try their first dine-in restaurant as a team. The students did well travelling to the restaurant and dining in respectfully. It was an excellent opportunity for the students to see how a restaurant is set up and how to serve customers adequately.
Last week, half of the 9/10s headed to Lady Northcote YMCA in Glenmore for a three-day camp. Students tried various activities such as canoeing, raft-building, yabbying, the Giant Swing, and many more. Students were on their best behaviour and enjoyed trying new activities, facing challenges, using problem-solving, and spending time with friends. Well done, 9/10 campers!
The other half of the 9/10s stayed back at school and participated in the cafe program. Students took turns making American cheeseburgers and Mexican vegetarian cheeseburgers. Students enjoyed the cooking aspect and serving the teachers in the school restaurant. Well done, 9/10 cafe!
Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)
This semester Ni Tin Par from ASDAN A has been participating in supported work experience by helping 3/4B.
“I had the best time helping Jess and Ivana. I help the students to do their work. Jess and Ivana are so nice. I like to help the little children. This is my last year at Jackson School and soon I will graduate year 12. I love school. I will miss all my teachers, E.S staff and friends but I am excited to work and be independent.
Thank you Jess and Ivanna for having me in your classroom. It was the best.”
ASDAN B have been busy maintaining our Jackson School vegetable plot at Westvale Community Gardens. There is always lots to do but everyone works hard. Great teamwork ASDAN B!
ASDAN B have also started volunteering at the Sunshine Hospital this term. The staff and students have planted a variety of seedlings and flowers to beautify the area and hopefully bring smiles to the faces of the patients at the hospital.
Secondary Students of the Week