Primary Community News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)
The Foundation students have been enjoying learning about Weather and Seasons this term. The Prep/1s have been making trees for each season, and learning about what we do and wear during each part of the year. The Foundation students have made flowers, butterflies, winter hats, umbrellas, etc. while exploring the different seasons. The 1/2s have planted seeds and are very excited to be seeing them sprouting this week. All Foundation classes have been taking a turn running assembly and it has been wonderful to see students confidence grow as they share their learning with other classes. All students are doing their best to practice 'being safe in outdoor areas' as they prepare to go on their excursion next month where they will get to explore using their gross motor skills and modeling school values. We look forward to their continued learning this year.
Lower Primary (Years 3-4)
This term the 3/4’s have been enjoying our Inquiry topic ‘Light and Sound.’ They have investigated light and created sound using instruments such as guitars, drums, and maracas. The 3/4 students have begun preparations for our end of year concert, practicing our singing and performing skills with the help of Pagan and Nikki. This week we have our sports day where we can wear a sporting outfit to school to participate in sporting activities, giving us the opportunity to show all our skills we have been practicing in PE.
Upper Primary (Years 5-6)
What an amazing week in Upper Primary Inquiry! Students engaged in an incursion that looked at making their own toy that can be pushed or pull, a billy cart! Each child made their own billy cart with the help of an adult using hammers, nails and wood. After the incursion, students painted and decorated their billy cart and raced them. All students thoroughly enjoyed this incursion. Students also celebrated Russ Jackson Day, learning about the importance and value of volunteering. They watered the school gardens, picked up rubbish around the school and cleaned up their classroom.
Primary Students of the Week