Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.
PA | Felix D | For showing his best efforts to improve his writing. I am so impressed with the quality of your handwriting and the spelling strategies you are using. Keep up the great work, Felix! |
PB | Eashan D | For your ability to express your Writer's Voice in your writing. You include your personality and humour in your writing, creating well written and interesting texts. Well done and keep taking 'risks' in your writing. |
PC | Ellie H | For the amazing expression you are using when you are reading aloud. Ellie, I really enjoy listening to you read and you should be so proud of the way you are including punctuation in your reading. Keep up the great work! |
PD | Siaana M | For the fantastically fluent way that she is reading stories aloud. Siaana it has been a pleasure to listen to you read so smoothly and with such expression! Well done! |
PE | Jonah J | For being a responsible learner and making great learning choices.You have shown amazing improvement in listening on the floor, choosing a place to work and staying focused on your learning. Well done and keep up the brilliant attitude! |
1A | Ben O | For his wonderful efforts in writing these last couple of weeks in working through the writing process to publish his ‘Chipenstein’ piece. You have done a great job using our mentor text ‘Quackenstein’ as inspiration for your writing and for using some terrific adjectives and punctuation to make your writing more interesting for your audience. Great work, Ben! |
1B | Sigrid N | For putting in her best effort in every lesson. Sigrid has significantly improved her reading this semester and it’s purely due to the hard work she has put in at school and at home. Well done Sigs! |
1C | Frank J | For his amazing efforts in writing his letters using the correct formations. Frank, I am so impressed with your resilience when trying new ways to form your letters. Keep up the hard work! |
1D | Leo S | For always putting your best effort into everything that you do. Leo, you are a wonderful student and friend. Keep up the amazing work! |
2A | Mason B | For his fantastic listening skills during our class discussions. Mason, you are always prepared to share your ideas and ‘have a go’ at answering questions about our learning. It’s so great to see such a growth mindset! Keep up the amazing work! |
2B | Zali W | For her incredible approach to learning and ability to focus on her independent tasks! Well done Zali, it is wonderful to see your dedication towards your learning! Keep it up! |
2C | Dion Z | For his incredible efforts in writing! Dion, I’ve been so impressed with your work ethic and positive attitude towards your writing as of late. Keep up your amazing work buddy! |
2D | Zoey C | For consistently demonstrating excellent effort and behaviour. Zoey, you always do your best to set an example for others in class, by following instructions, helping others and working hard in all you do. Well done and keep it up! |
3A | Jana S | For your ongoing hard work and motivation to put forth your best effort in everything you complete. Jana, I’ve noticed a huge growth in your care and persistence with your work. I hope you are incredibly proud of yourself, as I am! I cannot wait to see what else you achieve for the rest of the year. |
3B | Eloise W | For your hard work and effort in all areas of your learning. Eloise, you continue to do a wonderful job at always trying your hardest and pushing yourself to succeed. You are such a valued member of 3B, Well done superstar! |
3C | Sara M | For being a great role model to other members of your class by consistently showing your Wembley Values. You have put so much effort into your class work and have created an amazing writing piece for your buddy. You should be extremely proud! |
3D | Jordan P | For being an upstander and helping his friends make the right decisions. Well done, on continuing to be a role model to your peers. Keep up the fantastic work! |
4A | Nikita S | For showing amazing resilience during our Maths Essential Assessment this week. You tried your best, used strategies to solve the problems and didn’t give up. Well done Nikita, keep up the great work! |
4B | Nisha P | For her sensational growth in reading this year. Nisha, you have shown persistence and worked very hard over the corse of this year. I'm so proud of how much you have improved. You are a star! |
4C | Felix S | For taking pride in your work and putting your best effort into all of the learning that you have done this week. Felix, the terrific resilience that you showed while editing and revising your writing has paid off, and has allowed you to create some of your best writing this year. We’re really proud of you! Well done. |
4D | Harry M | For setting a terrific example for your peers in the classroom and in the yard. You are always doing your best to show your Wembley Value of respect by listening to others and following the school rules. I'm really proud of you, Harry! Keep being a leader! |
5A | Nathaniel A | For being a kind, considerate and empathetic friend while we were away on camp. Nathaniel, the support you gave to your friends was amazing to see and is something you should be very proud of. Great work! |
5B | Oscar B | For trying really hard during lesson time. We are so proud of your hard work in class Oscar. Keep it up! |
5C | Abi R | For taking on every challenge at camp with a positive attitude. You showed incredible persistence and resilience to make the most of the experience. Congratulations Abi! |
5/6A | Brodie L | For having such a positive attitude and working diligently towards every challenge that you come across, both last week at camp as well as back in the classroom this week. Thank you for always being an absolute superstar Brodie! |
6A | Hannah M | For your creativity in writing this week! Hannah, your effort during memoir writing has been great, and your most recent ‘rap memoir’ was a joy to read. Well done and keep it up! |
6B | ||
6C | Alex S | For consistently displaying his best efforts and using a growth mindset when faced with new challenges. Alex, your determination to further your skills is outstanding. Keep it up legend! |
PA | Anaya N | For showing brilliant effort to improve her reading and writing. I am so proud of everything you’ve achieved so far this year, Anaya. Keep up the great work! |
PB | Indiana B | For your brilliant attitude towards your learning! You are always willing to give everything a go! Thank you for being a great role model to your peers. Well done Indi! |
PC | Richard H | For your incredible determination with using your scissors. Richard, I am loving the growth mindset you are showing in Prep C. Practice makes progress and you are definitely showing this! What a great role model you are! |
PD | Lara B | For settling back into the classroom so beautifully after a long time away. Well done Lara for showing such resilience! Prep D are so glad to have you back! |
PE | Maisie S | For your brilliant efforts in writing. It was especially enjoyable to read your innovation of the Three Little Pigs. Your watermelons had some very interesting houses. Well done and keep up the great work! |
1A | Will K | For his wonderful efforts in writing this week, recounting his favourite thing about October. You added lots of detail in your writing. Keep up the great work, Will! |
1B | Lucas D | For working so hard when sharing amounts equally this week, Lucas can explain how division works and even helps his peers solidify their understanding of division. Go Lucas! |
1C | Sophia T | For her wonderful demonstration of our Wembley value of inclusion. Sophia, I love the way you always include your peers in everything you do. Keep it up! |
1D | Addison S | For working independently to complete her writing. Well done Addison, you are a 1D superstar! |
2A | Madeleine M | For her amazing efforts during our class discussions. Maddie, you are contributing some wonderful and engaging ideas and showing your understanding of learning content. What a superstar! Keep up the amazing work! |
2B | Henry H | For making an incredible start to term 4 after his amazing European holiday! Great work Henry, it is wonderful to see you focusing and engaging so brilliantly with your work. Keep it up! |
2C | Arlo W | For demonstrating incredible resilience and facing challenges with a growth mindset. Arlo, I’ve been so proud of the way you have handled yourself when experiencing strong emotions as of late. Keep being you superstar! |
2D | Arlo L | For working hard all year, and always taking on a new challenge, especially in maths! Your creative effort in writing is also fantastic to see. Arlo, you always know how to make others laugh, keep it up! |
3A | Caitlin P | For your ongoing dedication and effort in everything you do. Caitlin, you continue to impress me with your hard working and positive attitude. It is an absolute pleasure teaching and helping you learn because of how much you care and love learning. You are a learning superstar! |
3B | Ronan L | For your outstanding effort and resilience. Ronan, well done this term on always completing your work to the best of your ability. You have shown initiative to catch up on work you have missed and displayed all your skills to create a fantastic writing piece for your buddy. Well done superstar! |
3C | Sam Q | For showing fantastic efforts this week with your class work and using your time wisely. You consistently show respect to your peers and care for others. Keep up the great work Sam! |
3D | Mila B | For always participating in classroom activities with an open mind and continuing to show determination with your work. Well done Milla, you should be proud of all your hard work this term! |
4A | Ava M | For the amazing effort that you always put into your writing. You wrote a fantastic persuasive text on why horse racing should be illegal, using persuasive devices and wonderful word choice. Well done Ava! |
4B | Alana E | For presenting a highly fascinating 'Fascinating Facts'. Alana, you were confident and articulate in presenting about your great, great, great grandfather and his incredible life. What a story! Well done! |
4C | Jet L | For showing outstanding respect to everyone at all times and making everyone feel welcome and warm. Jet, your kindness and demonstration of all of the Wembley Values make you a role model in our class. You are an absolute star and we’re lucky to have you, keep being kind! |
4D | Summer R | For always having the best mindset and attitude in class. You always have a giant smile on your face each and every day at school. You listen carefully to others and you treat everybody around you with so much respect. You are such a superstar and we're so lucky to have you in 4D. Congratulations, Summer! |
5A | Max C | For continuing to grow your learning stamina and show huge levels of concentration. Max, the way you maintained your focus throughout our assessment sessions this week were awesome to see. Keep up the great work! |
5B | Levi W | For your great attitude in school and being a respectful listener in class. Well done Levi. Keep it up, we are so proud of you! |
5C | Petar C | For being a friendly and supportive member of 5C. I have been very impressed by your willingness to include others and show kindness. Congratulations Petar! |
5/6A | Niamh K
| For showing resilience and being able to bounce back into the classroom routine after being away. Her mature approach to schooling, and kind and caring nature has helped to create a positive learning environment where her peers feel safe and welcomed. Keep being a superstar Niamh! |
6A | Makayla H | For the positive impact that your enthusiasm and positive demeanour has in our class. Makayla, you have been the perfect embodiment of what it means to learn and have fun. You have helped make our class a wonderful environment to be in. You should be very proud! |
6B | Amelie T | For your effort and enthusiasm towards your Year 6 memoirs! Amelie, you have written so many already, and presented them beautifully on our website. You should be very proud! |
6C | Averi N | For displaying outstanding talent as an author. Averi, all of your hard work and dedication is showing fantastic results in your writing. Keep it up legend! |
Student Newsletter acknowledgements
We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.