
Lindsey Delooze - Acting Assistant Principal - Wellbeing and Disability Inclusion

Melanie Irons - Acting Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Engagement and Wellbeing

Tom Penberthy - Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

Kelly Edwards - School Counsellor

Week 7

Welcome to week 7! 


Last week the wellbeing team loved welcoming the new preps for 2024 into school. Mel presented at the parent information session sharing the School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework we use at Wembley PS, and sharing information about Disability Inclusion. Lindsey managed to get into some of the prep classrooms to complete observations to help consider the support that will be in place as our new preps start. If any families have any questions about the Disability Inclusion process, please email Lindsey on Lindsey.Delooze@Education.vic.gov.au


The next couple of weeks continue to be busy as school moves towards completing 2023 on a high, as well as trying to finalise plans for 2024. Across school we are still seeing a number of students feeling quite anxious at times and we are starting to see a number of friendship issues cropping up as students are getting more tired as the term progresses. We are encouraging everyone to be kind to each other and show our school values of empathy, inclusion, resilience and respect. One way to consider this with your child could be to get them thinking about their 'battery'. If their battery is feeling a little depleted have a think about what is going to fill it back up again, especially what would help to give a boost during the school day too. This could be as simple as reminding your child that water may help across the day, or may involve you leaving a note in their lunchbox on days that you are aware may be a little more draining. 


Prep 2024 Wellbeing Resources/Webinar

The student wellbeing hub are running a webinar for families and educators who have children with autism in the process of transitioning into Prep for 2024. Here is the website for anyone interested in registering: 



School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

Current Whole School Behaviour Focus - Take care of self and others

This week we have introduced our next behaviour focus: ‘Take care of self and others' as part of our focus on the value of respect. Students have been learning that this involves looking out for others, and looking out for themselves, which helps them to be a healthy, kind and safe person who other people will want to be around.


Students and Wembley staff are watching for examples of students taking care of themselves and others and recording nominations for these students. If your child comes home with a blue respect stamp, be sure to ask them what they did to earn this stamp. 


Keep a look out for our posters around school showing everyone how to take care of themselves and others. 

A number of Wembley students have helped contribute to a video showing the different ways we can take care of the environment. This video has been shared with all students so they can practise how to take care of the environment.



Previous Whole School Behaviour Focus - Take care of the environment

Over the previous two weeks, students have been learning about the behaviour of 'taking care of the environment' as part of our value of respect. Students have been learning that taking care of the environment is about looking after the land, the air, the water, the plants and the animals that live here. It is also about looking after any spaces we use. 


As part of these lessons, students looked at scenarios which allowed them to practise taking care of the environment, as well as reading books about how to look after the environment. This focus has led into this week which is National Recycling Week. 

Wembley Values Award Winners

Thank you to all the students who nominated their peers when they saw them showing our behaviour focus of 'taking care of the environment' over the last fortnight. Congratulations to each of the students, listed below, who won the Wembley Values Award. 

Respect: Taking care of the environment

Prep           Zayla KFor showing our value of respect by taking care of the environment by looking after your classroom environment and helping others to pack up.
Year 1  Ayla DFor showing our value of respect by taking care of the environment by always putting rubbish into the bin, even when it's not yours.
Year 2Yuki SFor showing our value of respect by taking care of the environment by always picking up rubbish, respecting the space and respecting everyone around you. You always helps others in need.
Year 3Riley HFor showing our value of respect by taking care of the environment by always caring for your classroom, and supporting others in the class to clean up the classroom
Year 4Milla DFor showing our value of respect by taking care of the environment by picking up pieces of rubbish to keep your classroom clean and tidy every day.
Year 5Macy HFor showing our value of respect by taking care of the environment by always caring about the environment. When someone missed putting their rubbish in the bin, you went over and cleaned it up.
Year 6Benji SFor showing our value of respect by taking care of the environment by taking care of our school environment by being a brilliant peer mediator and caring for students in the yard. 

School Counsellor - Kelly Edwards 

Kelly has already started building great bonds with students throughout school. Each newsletter Kelly will be providing information, tips, resources and things to celebrate. 


This week Kelly would like to bring attention to it being Trans Awareness Week: 


Trans Awareness Week

Held from 13-19 November, this week aims to help raise awareness of trans and gender diverse people.

Gender is different from the biological male/female we are born with; it is about how an individual feels about their identity and how they want others to refer to them.

There is much that we can do to break down the stigma and discrimination around gender diversity and here are a few of my tips on how you can be an ally:

  • Think about the terms we use to call a group of people –  Kelly is making a vow to not use the term “guys” to describe a group
  • Consider sharing your pronouns – either when you introduce yourself or in your email signature. Cisgender people often have their pronouns assumed accurately, whereas this is not the case for gender diverse people. When more people share their pronouns this shows we are not assuming and therefore leads to greater inclusion
  • Learn – head here for evidence-based information https://headspace.org.au/explore-topics/for-young-people/trans-resources/

Breakfast Club


Breakfast club continues to run Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the eating area 8.30 - 8.55am. 


Thank you to all those families that followed up with our reminders from the last newsletter. We will continue working on these over the next fortnight. 

  • Make sure food is eaten in the canteen/eating area, unless they are taking snacks for lunch/recess.
  • Please dispose of rubbish carefully and look after our school environment. 

We are still seeing great manners at breakfast club and some wonderful respect to the volunteers who help out! 


Wellbeing Dogs

We have had a few children and parents asking to see more of Ginny in school. We love to hear this but we also wanted to explain Ginny's timetable.  At the moment Ginny is timetabled with Educational Support Staff on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She generally has a break between each session she is timetabled so she does not get too tired. Ginny likes to be on the move more than staying still in classrooms, and therefore we try to make sure that this happens for her. Where possible we do try and get Ginny into different classrooms, but this is not always possible due to support our Educational Support Team provide to students through school. The wellbeing team will be considering how we can use Ginny in next year's timetable to see if we can be more effective and reach more children across the school. In the meantime, we will endeavour to keep trying to get Ginny into lots of different classes as much as we can.