Students of the Week!

Term 4 - Weeks 5 & 7
Week 5:
William M - For being a Monty champion who displays all our school values each day. Foundation A is lucky to have you in our class!
Tori P - What a superstar learner you are Tori, you are always trying your best and helping your classmates if they need it. I love the 'can do' attitude that you bring to school each day. You are a role model in Foundation B and should be very proud of all your efforts! Congratulations Tori!
Sunday SC - Congratulations Sunday, for your improved reading fluency. The hard work you have been doing with Heather and during literacy sessions is paying off! You should be very proud of yourself. Well done superstar!
Zach H - Zach, you consistently display our Monty value of Friendship; always watching out for others and looking for ways that you can help out. Thanks for bringing such a positive attitude to 1B every day. You're a star!
Juniper G - Juniper, I have been very impressed with your standard of learning and by the way you set an example for your peers. You are extremely focused, and this shows in your learning! Well done champ.
Mila C - Mila, you continue to demonstrate a responsible attitude toward all activities and have made great choices for your learning. You are a kind friend and peer to everybody you work with, whether they are in Grade 2 or 3. Keep up the amazing effort!
Josie BB - Josie, what a delight you are to have in 2B. I love that you are always contributing to class discussions and leading by example. The way you help your classmates with their learning is a particularly special skill of yours, as you are so kind and encouraging. 2B is lucky to have you!
Tillie P - Tillie consistently shows all of our school values and provides gentle reminders to her peers to encourage others to do the right thing. She is in tune to the needs and feelings of others and always make sure that her friends feel included and supported. Tillie, you are a joy to have in the class!
ALL of 3/4A - 3/4A, thank you for being absolute rockstar students. I am so lucky to be your teacher and it was not only great to be away with year 4s on camp, but also to hear such wonderful things about the year 3s once I arrived back at school.
Tahlia Mack - Tahlia, you are always sharing your amazing ideas in class brainstorms and give everything a go with a positive attitude. Keep it up superstar!
Leo B - Enthusiastic, kind, supportive, determined and fun - you were all these things and more during Grade 4 camp! Well done Leo!
Riley McA - Riley, you epitomise true leadership: You are organised, a good communicator, motivated, empathetic, a hard worker and you set a great example for others. You are wise beyond your years and should feel enormously proud of the leader and student that you are.
Sabine D - Sabine, you were so determined, fearless, patient and caring towards others during our Grade 4 camp, all whilst coping with a broken foot. You are such a fantastic role model to all those around you and we are very proud of you.
Taneer L - Taneer, your joyful and friendly demeanour make you an absolute delight to be around. It's no wonder your friends call you 'twinkle'- you are an absolute star!
Sonny W-S - Improvement is the focus in 5/6B and Sonny, you have shone in this area. The amount of work you completed in meeting 1, Term 4 lit circles compared to meeting 1 Term 2 lit circles is SONbelievable!
Lucas C - For your exceptional dedication, creativity and command of storytelling. Your entry into the writing competition was truly captivating. Congratulations!
Ariana A - Ariana, you have shown a remarkable amount of determination and persistence this year. You approach all tasks with a growth mindset and are an exceptional role model to your peers. Great work!
Tailem H - For your willingness to share such a unique and peaceful instrument with us. Your playing of the handpan was simply inspiring Tailem. Thank you.
Ana L - When everyone else left for lunch, you voluntarily packed up forgotten equipment. Thank you for taking the time to pack up, even when the equipment wasn’t yours.
Week 7:
Nina D - For the way you always join in class discussions and share your insightful thoughts and ideas. You are a learning superstar!
Emily McQ - Congratulations Emily! You always try your best in all activities and don’t give up! You constantly show a growth mindset and always have a go. You are such a friendly face in FB and we are so lucky to have you. What a super year you have had Em!
Mia S - Congratulations Mia! You always put 100% effort into everything you do. You are such a kind and caring classmate. We are so lucky to have you in 1A. Well done!
Kennedy H - Kennedy, I have been so impressed with your focus and determination to do your very best work in Maths. You have put in an incredible effort, helping with class examples and completing wonderful work. Well done superstar!
Taya McC - Taya, I have watched you grow and mature in your learning, and it is wonderful to see. Keep up the great work!
Levi M - Levi, you are the kindness superhero in our class. You are always ready to lend a helping hand, making our class a better place. You always show a smile on your face and your bubbly personality brings such a shining light to 2A. We are so lucky to have you Levi!
Kit D-W - Kit, what a superstar you have been this week in writing. Your contributions during discussions on our persuasive topic have been insightful for all. Keep up the great work!
Bailey S - Bailey has demonstrated a positive attitude when faced with challenging tasks and shows a willingness to try new things. She makes sure to seek support when required and takes on feedback to complete work to a pleasing standard. Well done on your fantastic efforts Bailey! It is wonderful to see your confidence grow!
Skyla B - Skyla, your approach to your learning this term has been very impressive. You have accepted challenges and shown resilience and determination, with great results. Keep it up!
Ashhal L - Ashhal, you have taken on every challenge with positivity and determination. You should be so proud of yourself. Keep it up superstar!
Ollie W - Ollie, you consistently demonstrate our school values of Respect, Friendship, Learning and Safety in all you do! You are a supportive and kind friend, a focused and determined student and you make everyone around you feel included and welcome.
Elena M - Elena, you consistently embody the school values: You demonstrate focus and effort during all learning tasks, show respect and friendship towards your peers and teachers and always possess such a ‘can-do’ attitude. Congratulations superstar!
Maddie McQ - Maddie, you have worked so hard this year. You should be very proud of your determination and how this has helped you make great progress in all areas of your learning. You are such a fabulous role model to those around you. Well done superstar!
Tash H - Tash, thank you for your boundless energy and support in running Chess Club. Your willingness to share your knowledge of the game with your peers is commendable. Well done!
Amelia B - Whenever Mr Sank makes a meal of things in class, you sweep in and get done what needs to be done. Your researcher lit circles role was incredible. Was it done from a ladder? Because it was high level stuff!
Ari S - Ari, you show great responsibility and dedication to your learning. Your unwavering kindness and support to your peers is admirable. You are a esteemed member of our class. Congratulations legend!
Scarlett W - Scarlett, you a remarkable individual. You are kind, caring and a fantastic role model to all student at Montmorency Primary School. You are finishing this term off in an honourable way! Well done!
Esha K - For the adventurous spirit you displayed at camp. You gave everyting a go and the team appreciated your continuous smile and friendly nature!
Anya S - Anya, I love that you come to art each week with a big bright smile. Your cheerful, eager and positive approach to learning makes you a delight to teach each week!
Amelie S - Amelie, you are always helpful, respectful and studious. Your hard-working ethic leads you to create many outstanding art pieces to be proud of. Thank you for being so wonderful!
Umiko S - Umiko, you display generosity and great mentorship by happily sharing your art ideas and skills with your peers. You are always on task, completing art pieces of a high standard. You are awesome!
Jensen M - For voluntarily taking the time out of your lunch break to help our hockey clinic coach set up.