Student Wellbeing 

Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator

Year 11

The warm weather, harvest and Christmas looming, it must be the end of the student term. Congratulations to the Year 11s for your efforts and achievements throughout the year. We wish you a well-earned break, and a successful job placement for those that are working. Some of you will attend the rewards event on Thursday at the Northam Aquatic Centre acknowledging your very positive effect on school culture.

Movember 2023

Cundy Mos, our Movember team, has been live this month but a little neglected due to recent competing priorities. My apologies for this but the links have been sent to students and staff sporting commendable Mos in support of Men’s Mental Health. The event runs throughout November, and we asked that students wishing to have a school Mo sign up and contribute a minimum of $10 in fundraising.

2024 Student Councillors

Our newly minted Student Councillors worked with Jarrod Kayler-Thomson from the Growth Hunting company, during a day/night camp in Perth last week. Student participation was excellent, and the event was successful at improving organisational, leadership and communication skills amongst the student leaders' group. We anticipate this will benefit all students with improved representation of their interests.


As the term nears an end, so does my time as the Wellbeing Coordinator. I’m looking forward to relocating to my small farm and continuing my landcare, agriculture and horticulture journey. It’s still a little early to announce a replacement but they will be joining a committed and professional Wellbeing and Student Services team.


A huge thanks to all the staff, College supporters, parents/carers and students I have worked with here at Cunderdin Ag in service of the best outcomes we could achieve. I wish you all a safe, fun and wonderful festive season break. 


Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator