From the Assistant Principal 

Miss Kim Bailey

Classes in the Secondary for Years 7 – 9 are back to normal with the completion of semester exams last week. The exams are only part of each student’s assessment profile, and when receiving feedback from their teachers, all students are encouraged to reflect on their efforts this year and how they may improve in the future. 


A great approach for students is to undertake a simple SWOT analysis:


  • What are your strengths as a student?
  • What achievements from this year can you celebrate?
  • What do you do really well at school?
  • What skills have you developed?
  • What learning have you really enjoyed? 


  • What are your weaknesses as a student?
  • What areas could you improve in?
  • What skills need more work?


  • What opportunities exist for you to improve your approach to school?
  • What could you do differently next year?
  • What could you do to have better quality learning experiences next year? 


  • What is standing in the way of you achieving your personal best?
  • What obstacles do you need to overcome?
  • What actions could you take to deal with any threats to achieving your personal best?

Staff are currently finalising the assessment process for their classes and preparing reports, which will be distributed at the end of the term.


All classes will be operating as normal for the remainder of the term as there is still coursework to be completed across all KLAs.


Congratulations to the students who received the Living Well, Learning Well Awards at the assembly last Friday. Throughout the year, staff have recognised the students for the various ways in which they have upheld these values. The students pictured below have received multiple awards over the course of the year and, hence, received their certificates on Friday.

Casimir Marshall, Montannah Fomiatti, Ellie McSpedden, Logan Berkley, Jonathan Arandale, Cooper Ford, Maggie Newton, Makaidi Mair, Griffin Sanderson, Hannah Bourke, Mollie McCudden, Halina Huynh & Cody Uebergang

Year 10

Year 10 students are involved in activities focusing on preparing for their final Assembly on Friday, the Year 10 Camp at Copeton Dam and the Graduation Mass, which will be held on Friday 1 December. 

Next week, they will be completing the second Work Experience session for 2023. We appreciate local businesses' generosity in providing placements for the students. 

Year 10 Graduation Dinner

Students and parents have received invitations to the Graduation Dinner to be held on Friday 1 December, at the Inverell RSM Club. Students have been allocated their numbers, and we will notify families when the tickets can be paid for and collected from the Front Office.


Please make sure you let us know about any dietary requirements.


If there are any changes or queries to the numbers already allocated, please contact Miss Bailey as soon as possible. 

Upcoming Year 10 Events

  • Week 6 
    • Year 10 Farewell Social - Thursday 16 November
  • Week 7 
    • WEX 
  • Monday 27 November – Wednesday 29 November:
    • Christian Living Camp at Copeton Dam – students will come to school on Monday morning with their requirements for the camp and be bused to the Dam.
    • Students will return to school at approximately 11.00 am on Wednesday. Families may sign them out; otherwise, students will stay at school and make their usual way home.
  • Thursday 30 November:
    • Graduation Mass Practice - 9.15 am at Sacred Heart Church.
  • Friday 1 December:
    • Graduation Mass, Presentation of Awards & Morning Tea - 9.15 am at Sacred Heart Church
    • Graduation Dinner Dance – 6.30 pm at the Inverell RSM Club.

Vinnie’s Lap-a-thon

On Thursday 16 November, the Secondary department will give up their sport time to take part in our annual Vinnies Fancy Dress Lap-a-thon. 


Sponsorship forms for the lap-a-thon have been sent home with students.  Participants will be asked to collect sponsorship money and donate to this cause. All funds raised will be donated to our local St Vincent de Paul centre for their busy Christmas period. There will be prizes for the best outfits presented for judging. Our Vinnies fundraising will continue with our coin-drop and Thanksgiving mass in Week 9.

Google Classroom Guardian Summaries

Remember to accept the invitation to sign up for Google Classroom Guardian Summaries. Please contact Miss Bailey if you have any questions or problems.

7 - 10 Staff Email Addresses

Miss Kim Bailey

Miss Claudia Cush

Mrs Angela East

Mr Peter Ehsman

Mr Anthony Gaias

Miss Alana Goldman

Mrs Mary-Jane Guest

Mrs Lee Grady

Mrs Malynda Hiscock

Mr David Koch

Mrs Stephanie Marshall

Mrs Veronica McCormick

Mrs Christine McLachlan

Mr Matthew Pye

Mrs Jane Taylor

Mrs Katherine Townsend

Mr Blake Uebergang

Mrs Carrie Watchirs