from the Assistant Principal  

Mr Shayne Smith

Overview of the week 

Whilst walking around the classrooms it was noticeable that our students were feeling tired by the end of the week. The cheers and shouts became less as the heat and mid-term tiredness compiled.  There are only 5 weeks to go until the end of term, we hope our students of HTS have recharged their batteries over the weekend, and get a great night's sleep throughout the week fueled with nutritious food to help them focus during class learning times. Excursions for Years 3-6 are almost upon us. We know this will energise them! 


Stage 3 (Years 5 and 6) had a wonderful wellbeing experience on Monday. Students were spoken to by a range of teachers and exclusive members that ranged from nutrition and general well-being to health and hygiene. Thanks to Susan Ward and Kyle Gill for speaking to our students and informing them to be focused and energised students at HTS. A special mention goes to Terri-Lea Selig and our teachers for organising this experience to support and "live life to the full" at HTS.


This week's focus is: 

Keep things simple and consider others before ourselves. 

Technology and its impact on students.

Technology has become vital in today's world. It helps make jobs easier and more efficient although, there are risks.  Students are immersed in a world of wonder and curiosity, without boundaries and guidelines they may take it upon themselves to be misled by advertisements or images. Exposure to content or extended periods sometimes destabilises their emotions and focus. 

It is important to watch, monitor and regulate students using technology appropriately and effectively. 

Some guidelines could be: 

  • Set a timer for devices 
  • Ensure no devices are used 1 hour before bed (Blue light restriction) 
  • Monitor the content exposed to students 
  • Ensure language is appropriate (doesn't become everyday language) 

Parent/Family Appreciation 

As this year has progressed so many of our parents have collectively placed their hand up to help support our students by being present at sporting events, being an active monitor during excursions (and those yet to come) and being active in the life of our community at HTS.  Our students become excited and energised to see familiar faces and the journey of their success through school and family involvement. 


One moment that strikes me is looking through the progressive data and noticing so many students improving on their reading. Upon further digging, it has been noticed that parents that have placed a great emphasis on helping support their child in combination with teachers who have progressed further.  Thank you to all our families for continually entrusting and working with our teachers for the best interests of your child/children. 


A quote that resides with me: 

"Watch your children grow, for they will teach you what you have taught them"

Congratulations to our Award Winners

KDTannah Pizzard, Josie Butcher, Liam Sims
KSRoman Donnelly, Zoe Hobday, Noelle Morgan
1MCamey Brown, Chayce Ridley, Riley Worgan, Zara Caskey, Annabelle Apthorpe 
1SMarshall Higgins, Imogen Emerson-Sippel, Ollie Gaias
2MLiam Lawson, Peyton Te Velde, William Stewart 
3WSloane Garrett, Sienna Bourke, Miette Sargeant
3GAyda Murphy, Marshall Hyatt
4DSekove Nasilasila, Masey Fittler
4PThomas Ditchfeild, Elliot Schwarze, Fletcher White
5BMaggie Fitzroy, Rory Orchard, Hailee Zell
5DLElka Dunlop, Josie Langan, Darcy Kennedy 
5WFRoxy Pettiford, Addison Emerson-Sippel, Amirri-May Nelson, Fred O'Brien
6TOskar Devlin, Emina O'Neil-Yee,