Mrs Jillian Rainger

What is happening  @ HTS in Week 6

We are now past halfway through the term! How fast it goes! On Monday and Tuesday, we held interviews for the teaching positions that we had advertised. Next week we should have our teaching positions finalised. We received great applications which is positive with the current teacher shortage.


Please let us know if your child is not returning to HTS in 2024 for our planning purposes. Some year groups now have a waiting list so it would be helpful if we know our numbers accurately. 


This week the Secondary has the diocesan basketball competition in Tamworth. Good luck to our teams!  Year 10 are also in their final week at school. We look forward to the Lap-a-thon, the social and the final assembly this week before they head off to work experience and Copeton Dam.

Last Week @ HTS

I had the privilege of attending the Remembrance Day service with some of our SRC from both primary and secondary on Saturday. Thank you to our families who support these weekend endeavours so our school is represented at these community events.


I also had the opportunity to be part of the Kinder transitions over the last 4 weeks. What a great group we have starting in 2024. The transition continues this week. On Wednesday 15 November, we will be having the Kinder Family Information Sessions. This will be held in the AV room at 9:30 am or 5:30 pm. This is a great opportunity for families to find out about what the first weeks of Kinder look like.


The Melbourne Cup was also a bit of fun!


A number of sicknesses including COVID-19 are still very present in our community. Please keep your children at home from school until their symptoms have passed.


Our Term 4 school fee accounts have been issued and statements delivered. We have moved to our new financial operating system. Term 4  fees were generated by the Armidale Catholic Schools Office. Please check your nominated email account to see if you received the invoice. Our fees can now be paid by BPay. Details on your email. All school fees need to be paid by the end of the school year. Please contact me if you need to discuss your payment.

Parking around HTS

We have had the highway patrol present at drop-off and pick-up time over the last week or so. I regularly put the guidelines for parking around the school in the newsletter. I have attached them again today here. 


I hope you have a good week! Please contact the school if you need to speak with me or email me at