Upcoming Dates 

This Week 

Wednesday 15 November 

9:15am Kinder Transition until 1.10pm 

9.30am or 5.30pm Kinder Family Information Sessions in the AV Room 


Thursday 16 November 

Year 10 PDHPE Dances 

Secondary Lap-a-thon 

6.30pm - 8.30pm Secondary Social 


Friday 17 November 

9.15am Stage 2 Mass led by 3G at SHC 

Year 10 Final Assembly and Lunch 


Next Week 

Year 10 Work Experience 

Year 6 Canberra Excursion 

Year 5 Lake Keepit Excursion 

Year 4 Copeton Dam Excursion 

Year 3 Thalgarrah Excursion 

Secondary Cricket versus St Philly's 

Final Kindergarten transition 

School Advisory Council AGM 

Save the date:

Wednesday 6 December 

Infants Christmas Concert 

All students K-2 will be performing. We are combining this with Grandparents Day this year. 

11:00am Welcome and morning tea, tour of the classrooms

12:00pm Infants Christmas Concert in the hall.


Tuesday 12 December 

Presentation Day  

10am Years 3 to 6 

12pm Secondary 


Approvals/Consent required in Compass

Secondary Elective Sport

Year 2 Nick King

Year 3-6 Sport Rotations

Year 3,4, 5 and 6 Excursions

Year 10 Work Experience