Connect: Level 2

Important Dates:
- Monday 30th October to 3rd November: Wanyara Week - interactive Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural experience
Remember hats must be worn each day in term 4 to stay safe from the sun!
What's happening in our classrooms?
We will continue exploring the following writing traits and activities through the mentor text: Farmhouse by Sophie Blackall. Prior to delving into this wonderful story, we are going to think deeply about what it might be about - creating our own thoughts, wonderings and visualisations around this text. Making predictions by using the illustrations to help us means that we are thinking critically about what we read, before we read it.
We are also going to continue focus on the following writing traits:
Word Choice - exploring rhyming words and how author's use them to make their writing more engaging.
Sentence Fluency - structing our sentences in a way that hooks the reader in!
We will begin revisiting a range of non-fiction texts and looking closely at their features, such as: glossary's, captions, subheadings, pictures and the index. Students will consider the purpose and audience for each of the texts and record down facts about each topic explored.
We are exploring the /er/ as in fern spelling choice.
This sound is usually in the middle of a word (e.g. term, stern) BUT it can also be a suffix on the end of a word (e.g. helper).
We will also explore the spelling rules for making a singular noun a plural. This will focus on adding -s and -es and the rules surrounding both.
A big focus for Level 2 is learning how to tell the time! We will be discussing how time is an important part of our daily lives. A game that many of the classes will play each day to refine their time telling skills can be found here: http://Maths Frame - telling the time.
The focus for Level 2 is learning to tell the time to quarter past and quarter to the hour.
A simple thing you can do at home is have an analogue clock on the wall (with numbers) or ask your child to make a clock of their own!
We will begin to look at division and how to divide means to share equally. Using our learnings of division and sharing, we will apply our knowledge and skills to solve a range of rich, open ended problem solving tasks.
This week, we are finishing up our learning task for Science which is all about SOUND! Level 2 students have been busily designing and crafting musical instruments that can demonstrate both low and high pitch.
Evan from 2C has loved sharing his piano skills - with the cover of the piano off! We have continued to learn about how vibrations cause sound and we thank Evan for giving us a live performance!
The Level 2 obsession with bugs continues! Mr. Marco (and his helpers) eagerly set up a gardening station that students can explore during Investigations time. We will watch our seedlings grow and provide updates across the coming weeks!
Have a fantastic week everybody ~ Alana Maslen, Owen Davies, Kayla Stacey, Claire Castrillon, Anthony Klvac and Tommy Klvac.