Connect: Level 1

Weeks 5 and 6

Important Dates:  Next week is our Wayarna Incursion and there are still some students without permission, could you please log in to Compass and complete this so your child can attend and enjoy it with the rest of the school!


A celebration of our learning!

What a wonderful couple of weeks we have had with the Level 1 students! They quickly got back into the routines of school life after holidays and we have hit the ground running. We are really proud of how all students embraced their science lessons over the past 3 weeks based on 'light and sound'. This week they have all committed to designing and creating their very own musical instruments as part of this terms Learning Task. All students worked really hard on their creations. Stay tuned at home! We hope you enjoy the music that will be coming your way. 


















Our Maths Incursion 

The Maths incursion was an absolute hit with all Level 1 students and teachers! In small groups, students had time to investigate and problem solve each station collaboratively. You could feel the 'buzz' of curiosity, enthusiasm and energy in the air. The patience and perseverance of many was definitely put to the test, including the need for trial and error which resulted in mixed feelings of success and failure.  

Maths:  Money Money Money!

Sorting Coins
Counting Coins
Sorting Coins
Counting Coins


Literacy:  Wombat Stew Mentor Text

All Level 1's absolutely loved our mentor text 'Wombat Stew' so much that we ended up making our own SEPS stew and continued this learning throughout investigations. 




Maths Marvels

In Level 1, we are embarking on an exciting mathematical journey that promises to ignite curiosity and inspire young minds. This fortnight, your child will delve into the enchanting world of telling time, focusing on "o'clock" and "half past" – a crucial life skill that paves the way for time management and scheduling. Additionally, our students will explore the captivating realm of 2D shapes, where they'll learn to identify and even draw these geometric wonders. We encourage you to engage in conversations about time and shapes with your child at home to reinforce their learning. We're thrilled to be a part of their Math adventure, where every moment and shape is a treasure to be explored!


Inquiry and Wellbeing

Exploring Human Growth and Emotions

In Level 1, our curious minds are delving into the fascinating world of human growth and emotions. As part of our curriculum, students are not only learning about the physical aspects of growth but also developing a deep understanding of their own feelings and emotions. They are discovering that just as they grow physically, their emotional world is in a constant state of development too. Through engaging activities, discussions, and creative projects, our students are gaining the ability to identify and understand their feelings and those of their peers. This vital life skill empowers them to communicate effectively, develop empathy, and navigate the complex landscape of emotions with greater confidence. We're proud to watch our Level 1 students blossom, both in knowledge and emotional intelligence.




Fluency pairs is a structured approach to language learning and is designed to improve your child's reading fluency and proficiency. Fluency pairs focuses on building strong reading and listening skills through carefully selected pairings. Ask your child about fluency pairs in their classroom!

Students will continue exploring and unpacking the mentor text 'The Most Magnificent Thing. The text includes familiar recount words such as first and next - which is what their focus has been the last few weeks. They are learning about the difference between a 'fragment' and a 'sentence', as well as building on the skill of identifying the subject, verb and predicate. Basic punctuation such as capital letters and full stops and the ability to recognise and produce different sentence types such as command, question, statement and exclamative will also be focus. A reminder for all, that quality over quantity when writing sentences will continuously be stressed to students this term. 



New Phonemes:

  1. /oa/ as in "boat" (found in the middle of a word): This phoneme is typically a long vowel sound and is commonly found in words like "boat," "coat," "soap," and "float." It's important for students to recognise this sound and its spelling patterns.
  2. /y=i/ as in "cry" (at the end of a short word): This sound is usually associated with the letter 'y' when it functions as a vowel. It's found in words like "cry," "my," and "by."

New Prefixes:

  1. re- (meaning again or backwards): This prefix is used to indicate repetition or reversal of an action or state. Examples include "reduce" (to make smaller again), "reuse" (to use again), "recede" (to move back or withdraw), and "return" (to come or go back).
  2. de- (meaning off or away from): This prefix is used to indicate removal, separation, or negation. Examples include "deactivate" (to make something inactive), "defrost" (to remove frost or ice), and "deconstruct" (to take apart or break down into components).
Making musical instruments
Working together
Making musical instruments
Working together