Specialist Happenings

Your go to place for all the news from your most special of specialists.

Welcome to the new look specialist happenings!

Every fortnight, the specialist team is looking forward to sharing our fabulous programs with our equally fabulous families, and celebrating the students' achievements in their specialist subjects. 



In the Art Room

This term in the art room we continue to focus on creativity and student well-being. 

Students continue their focus on emphasis and have also been adding contrast and pattern into their artworks. There has been a Halloween focus for the last few weeks with several fun activities on offer. Some of our foundation and year one students have had a fabulous time designing decorations for the classroom. In addition, the students have been learning about the tradition of Sugar Skulls and creating their own decorative pieces. The focus was on the form of the skull as well as creative, decorative patterns representing individuality and a celebration of life. Each piece is individual, and we all enjoyed putting together a collective display.

Sugar Skull designs
Sugar Skull designs


Halloween pumpkins By foundation students.
Halloween pumpkins By foundation students.










Moving forwards, next week, we are excited to be participating in the Wanyara incursion. The students love for, and fascination to learn about indigenous art has everyone buzzing with excitement. 

Stay tuned for more!

Performing Arts: Running away to join the circus!

This time of year is circus term for levels 1-6, as students build the skills for a life under the big top. Level 1/2 are delving into the venerable performance traditions of clowning and tumbling, with an exploration of slapstick comedy and the art of falling down. Level 3/4 are developing their skills in traditional Māori fire twirling practice (sans fire) with their work on poi. Level 5/6 are showcasing amazing feats of strength and balance with their work on acro-balance (see below). Meanwhile the sounds of drums, maracas and tambourines have been ringing out across the school as the Foundation students continue their introduction to percussion.


Next week we'll be handing over to the wonderful folks from Wanyara, with the entire student body getting to experience indigenous dance, taught by professional practitioners. 



Mr Scherpenhuizen

Physical Education Update: Week 3

It's been a great start to the term with the junior years focusing on dribbling. They have practiced using the pads of their fingers, keeping their eyes forward and bouncing up to waist height. This has progressed from stationary to moving then into games. The senior years have been focusing on attacking, defensive and evasive strategies within invasion games. Everything from moving and creating space to blocking, nominating a player and guiding attackers toward the side lines when defending. We have used modified games of netball, European Handball and a newly created game "Hoop Ball" to develop these skills.

The next 2 weeks will see all levels participating in indigenous games during Wanyara week, the junior school focusing on various passing skills, level 3&4's transferring strategies across various invasion games and the Level 5&6's start their sport education program. 

This week in Mandarin:

In Mandarin, grade 5s are working on a mini project. They are going to put together a travel plan on where they want to visit and how to get there, by using the topic vocabularies. 


Grade 3s and 4s are starting a new topic on sports. They are learning names of different types of sport, and using vocabulary that has been learnt previously to continue to build up their sentences. 


Thank you very much,
