Principal's Report 

Jane Briffa | Principal

Dear Parents & Carers, 


Welcome to our new look Newsletter. You will notice a new feature in this edition called CONNECT. Each Year Level and the Specialist Team have their own CONNECT page where they can share the learning focus that is planned for the following fortnight and any important information that is relevant to individual year levels. We hope that it provides an opportunity to discuss the learning that is happening in your child's classroom and that you enjoy sharing these pages with your children. We will continue to develop the Newsletter over coming weeks and would appreciate any feedback. 


A huge thank you to the Year 1 families and staff that attended our working bee on Sunday 15. Many hands definitely made light work and after some raking, sweeping, polishing and weeding the yard was looking amazing, all within 90 minutes. I especially loved the creative hedging that occurred outside the JLC. We got to share some delicious morning tea, which made for a lovely start to our Sunday.   

We have been preparing for the next stage of the building works which will see the refurbishment of the Administration building and a new STEM centre. We are officially moving out of the office today (Friday), with removalists relocating larger items on Monday. The front office will be operating out of the library and a temporary front entry will be via the library doors. Building works are expected to commence in around two weeks. We therefore need to plan for the probability that the Stop & Go zone will need to be closed to ensure the safety of pedestrians accessing the office. Please start planning alternate drop off routines in preparation for this announcement. We will publish a map once plans have been confirmed by the builder.   


Last week I had the pleasure of meeting our incoming Preps and their families for 2024. It was lovely to see the excitement on so many little faces. We look forward to welcoming our new families to SEPS during the transition program over the next few weeks. At the other end of the school, we have our Level 6 students planning for their final weeks at SEPS. Graduation plans are underway, and we had a fun week with SEPS Idol and Market Day. Congratulations to all of our students who performed in SEPS Idol. I am in awe of both the talent and bravery that was shown by all of our amazing performers.  I would like to thank the Year 6 Teachers for the many hours that have been spent behind the scenes to ensure that these events have been a great success. The buzz in the air this week has been fabulous. I am just a little disappointed that I didn't get to have my nails or hair done at the beauty bar on Market Day! 


We are heading into a very busy time of year. In the next few weeks we will be asking students to fill in their friendship requests for 2024 by listing 5 people that are either good friends or are people that they work well with during learning time. At least one person from their list will be guaranteed to be in their class. Classes for 2024 will be based on a variety of information however should you have any concerns regarding your child’s friendship choices, please email me your requests by FRIDAY 10 NOVEMBER via Once grades are finalised it is extremely difficult to make changes. Please note that late requests or requests for specific teachers will not be considered. 


Wishing you all a wonderful fortnight ahead!

Kind Regards, 

Jane Briffa