Parent Information

From Monday 30th October to Friday 3rd November inclusive, our specialist programs will enjoy a whole school incursion. This will be facilitated by the group 'Wanyara' who provide interactive Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural experiences to help students understand and embrace an Aboriginal perspective of our country. All students will participate in PLAY- traditional aboriginal games, PAINT- traditional art, YARN- traditional storytelling, and DANCE- traditional movement and expression. Please ensure that payment and consent on Compass is done by Friday 27th October. We look forward to sharing our learning with you all. The Specialist Team.
School Crossing
With the increased congestion on our roads, it is important that parents understand their responsibility specifically relating to 40KM zones, Traffic signals, drop off and no stopping zones around your school. We also encourage all pedestrians to use the school crossings and follow supervisor instructions at all times.
Council provides School Crossings services between 8 – 9:9:30 am in the morning & 2:30 – 4pm in the afternoon. Safety around schools is a big concern if the school is finishing outside the hours. We would encourage schools to reschedule their finish times to get everyone to/from school safely.
Second-Uniform Shop
Opens 6th November 3-3:30 pm
Reaching out to SEPS families –
We are runninglow on small girl sizes if you would like to donate these to our Second-Hand Uniform shop, this would be much appreciated.