Connect: Level 6

Kristy Cullen, Kym Seccull, Michelle Stainforth, Richelle Fraser & Amanda Stanford

Important Dates:

Week 5 

  • Monday 30 Oct - Fri 3 Nov:         School-wide Wanyara Indigenous incursion
  • Monday 30th October:                 L5&6 Virtual Maths Fun incursion with Mrs Gau
  • Monday 30th October:                 Gateways Maths Ignite program at SEPS L4-6
  • Thursday 2nd November:            Year 7 Transition Program 

Week 6

  • Tuesday 7th November:              Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday
  • Thursday 2nd November:           Year 7 Transition Program 

Please remind the students to bring a fully charged laptop, as we start to head into assessments.

Students must be wearing a hat at recess and lunch for the entirety of term 4.


Over the next two weeks the students will be diving deep into the sophisticated writing of Jeannie Baker and her classic story 'Circle'. The mentor text will provide students with opportunities to finesse and expand their writer's voice. Students have researched a migratory animal that they will use as the basis for their own picture story book that will be a gift for their buddies. Stay tuned to see some of the amazing writing produced! 


The students are using a mixture of class novels and shared stories to practice their text analysis in preparation for year 7. 


Over the past four weeks, the cohort have been focusing on financial maths in preparation for running their business on Market Day. In addition to financial maths, we have been learning about different time zones and different ways the time can be displayed and verbalised. To support this learning at home, we encourage you use of a 24 hour clock and students to be involved in calculating with small amounts of money. Budgeting tasks do not need to be completed with real money but we find that using pocket money and chores provide students with a good incentive. Another suggestion is for students to calculate the sum of their Christmas/ birthday wishlists. Doing this can help ease parent pressure to spend a lot of money and in turn, help students to comprehend the value of money. 


Level 6 have a great opportunity to further explore the issues surrounding food waste and sustainability with Wilko. They were very fortunate to have Oz Harvest come out and speak to them in Term 3 so it is a wonderful chance to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for this current crisis experienced worldwide. The curriculum is linked to Sustainability, Science, STEM and will provide them with a lot of food for thought in relation to their dietary habits. We urge students to evaluate your current practices at home and look for ways to reduce food waste. In keeping with our Maths focus on money, it may be interesting for students to look at the financial impact that food waste has on your household. 



Market Day / Economics 

Firstly, the year 6 team would like to thank all the parents that volunteered their time on Friday the 13th to join us on our Queen Victoria Market. 

Students have been working hard preparing for their Market Day stalls. This Thursday Level 6s will host the market, with a mixture of food and activity stalls. This is always a fabulous day and we trust that this will be the highlight of their term. 


Shout outs 

We wish our Softball team the very best of luck as they prepare to compete in the Kingston Division finals this Friday. Huge shout out to Mrs Perdriau for coming in weekly for training and to Alex W and Bodhi E for their exceptional leadership. 


Well done to all those students who competed at the Regional Athletics carnival last week. Special mention to Luke D who came 5th in High Jump.


A huge thank you to Jo Spinks who cut up material for our SEPS bunting to decorate our Market Day.