Connect: Level 5

Jacqueline Perdriau, Kate Littlehales, Zarah Scott, Jana Hain, Eileen Thompson

Important Dates:

  • Monday 30 Oct - Fri 3 Nov:        School-wide Wanyara Indigenous incursion
  • Monday 30th October:                L5&6 Virtual Maths Fun incursion with Mrs Gau
  • Monday 30th October:                Gateways Maths Ignite program at SEPS L4-6
  • Wednesday 1st November:       Music Corp students Soiree
  • Tuesday 7th November:              Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday

Don't forget to bring your laptop EVERY day and FULLY charged 

Start thinking of a recipe you would like to create for our year level cookbook 

What's happening in our classrooms?


Over the next two weeks the students will be diving deep into the sophisticated writing of Jeannie Baker and her classic story 'Circle'. The mentor text will provide students with opportunities to finesse and expand their writers voice.



After starting the term with an expansion on our division strategies for problem solving, the next two weeks will be spent on introducing the Level 5 students to Financial Literacy. We will focus on Money Maths and learning about the terminology of banking before moving on to applying the four operations to financial transactions and applying discounts.



Our Inquiry for Term 4 is the FEAST Oz Harvest program. The students have already made four of the cold recipes and have been very enthusiastic about the opportunity to work in the canteen with Mr. Marco. Through the theory component, we have been learning about where commonly used foods come from and coming across so many statistics about food waste and how we can use sustainable practices to make change. As we progress through the unit, we look forward to welcoming parent helpers into our fortnightly kitchen sessions and developing a Level 5 FEAST Oz Harvest cookbook. Thankyou to those parents and carers who have already kindly volunteered their time to help out.



To begin each week, on Monday mornings we continue to follow the Respectful Relationships program (RR). So far this term, we have discussing various stressors in different environments and parts of our lives and then revisiting positive coping strategies to deal with those stressors such as lifting the mood and learning about different calming and relaxation strategies. It is so positive to see the maturity and growth across the cohort when discussing the issues raised in these lessons. 

A celebration of learning!

In the first Tuesday of Term 4, Grade 5 students welcomed back Gil from Unleashing Your Personal Potential (UPP) to help prepare us for our Term 4 Leadership unit with the Aspire Higher incursion.  The day was a great combination of interesting theories, entertaining stories and exhilarating games which inspired and excited our students while reinforcing the ‘ASPIRE’ message, which is: 

The open-minded at positive attitudes that every student approached the day was great and everyone was able to mix across the classes and strike up new friendships. 

This term, we will be continuing to study qualities, challenges, and responsibilities of leaders this term and this program gave our students the ideal foundation to build on. 

It was so great to see how every student in Grade 5 exhibited fantastic leadership potential, giving us so much to look forward to in 2024 when we become your school leaders.


The Level 5's M.C.G and National Museum Excursion 

The Level 5 Cohort
The Level 5 Cohort


Have a wonderful fortnight everyone!

The Level Five Team ~ Jacqui, Kate, Zarah, Jana & Eileen