Connect: Level 4

Important Dates:
- Monday 30th October to 3rd November: Wanyara Week - interactive Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural experiences
- Wednesday 16th November: Science Incursion
What's happening in Weeks 5 and 6
We are revising all the Reading and Writing elements of a Persuasive text and will be linking our Health focus of wellbeing and physical and mental health. Watch out for some persuasive students coming home to convince you to look after yourselves and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Week 5 Spelling will focus on correctly spelling 2-syllable word with /j/ spelled ge and dge. Week 6 Spelling will focus on identifying & correcting errors in multisyllabic words with an ending of able or ible. Students will also be revising nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. We will also begin our assessments so please make sure laptops come to school fully charged. Thank you.
Level 4 students have embarked on an exploration of division, a topic that will be a focal point for their learning in the coming weeks.
During this period, students will be enhancing their ability to recall multiplication facts, a fundamental skill that greatly supports division. They will also utilise these well-established multiplication facts to delve into array and area models. These models provide visual and conceptual aids, which help bridge the connection between multiplication and division, making the learning process more intuitive and engaging.
As part of our approach, Trudy Gau from 4A has thoughtfully created an instructional video. This video demonstrates the practical application of the area model, showcasing how students will use this strategic tool in their division operations. Click here to view.
Inquiry and Wellbeing
We are continuing to research healthy eating and lifestyle choices to improve our physical and mental health. We will be looking at different physical activities including dance to increase our heart beat. For our mental health we will draw on strategies to support coping with stress and help seeking strategies to solve big and small problems. We will also practise relaxation techniques and meditation using Smiling Minds.
Last Week:
All level 4 classes have started literature circles and are loving their new novels! A massive thank-you to Harriet Foulkes and Jane Hopkins for contact covering all 80 new level 4 novels! See the students digging into their new books!
Over the course of the past three weeks, our students have been immersed in the exciting worlds of Money and Time. Their learning experience culminated in a captivating learning task titled 'A Day Out at Leisure Land.' In this project, students took on the role of financial planners, designing their personalised spending plans and event schedules for a fictional day filled with thrilling rides, exciting events, delectable food and beverages, and cherished souvenirs. Results of the learning task will be available on Compass, on Friday, 3rd November.
To further support your child's learning, parents can reinforce these valuable skills at home by engaging your children in simple conversations involving time and money, with questions such as 'How long until basketball practice?' and 'If we buy a Happy Meal with $20, how much change will we receive?'