
2023 Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grant
We are excited to announce that Monty Primary has received a Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grant for our STEM project ‘Pond Life and Future food’. The project will educate students about the importance of protecting our planet's biodiversity while also engaging and inspiring them to take an active role in conservation efforts.
The project will involve constructing a pond that will provide a habitat for aquatic species, such as frogs, and insects. The area will be planted with native plants which will attract native terrestrial species, including birds, bees, butterflies, and other insects. These habitats will provide food, shelter and nesting sites, therefore encouraging a diverse range of species to visit and make a home in the school grounds.
Students will be actively involved in all stages of the project from planning, and designing to construction and planting. This will take place as part of both science and gardening lessons.
The project will provide a wonderful space for future learning, such as biodiversity audits and citizen science projects.