Leadership @ MPS

Today we celebrate Teachers' Day! We are so fortunate at MPS to have such dedicated and hardworking teachers that really do make an incredible difference to the lives of our little people. Thank you Monty teachers!
Fortnightly Q&A
School Fundraising
Preparations are well and truly underway for another exciting school year at Montmorency Primary in 2024, with fundraising being one factor we are looking to be on the front foot with. The school recognises the pivotal role that fundraising plays in shaping our students' educational journey and we aim to increase parent/community input and help in this space.
We're taking a deliberate approach to fundraising in 2024 by channeling all our efforts toward one, or a small number, of pre-determined goals. Research has shown that such targeted fundraising is more effective in achieving our objectives. Here's why:
Clarity of Purpose: When we have a single, or a small number of well-defined goals, it's easier for parents, teachers and students to rally behind it. This clarity ensures that everyone understands the purpose of their efforts.
Efficient Resource Allocation: Targeted fundraising allows us to allocate resources more efficiently, ensuring that every dollar raised goes directly towards our chosen objective. This maximizes the impact of our collective contributions.
Measurable Progress: Having one clear goal enables us to measure our progress more effectively. It empowers us to track our achievements and celebrate our milestones along the way.
We had a great response to the 2024 Fundraising Survey which was recently sent out, with over 70 families and community members submmitting their thoughts. The survey presented options which were prioritised by the school, as well as inviting participants to make other suggestions. Below is a screenshot of the final results of the voting section.
*Please note, due to updating one of the descriptors while the survey was open, the votes for supplementing our SAKG program have been spread over two different sections of the graph.
Our next School Council meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 21st of November where the school's 2024 fundraising option/s will be discussed futher and clarified. As part of this meeting we are also hoping to lock in the 4 main fundraising activities for 2024 (one each term.) This process needs to be approved by the School Council, as dictated by the Department of Education, and we look forward to sharing the outcome with you soon!
Lunch Order Update
Thanks to those community members who also took the time to complete the recent lunch order survey, again, we had a really positive response rate. With over 83% of respondents either not having a strong preference to either supplier (past or current) or electing to stay with Jaycee's, the school will continue to use Jaycee's to supply our lunch orders.
The relevant feedback that the survey collected in relation to Jaycee's processes and practices will be passed on to the company directly in the hopes that they can be addressed.
Staff Carpark - Safety
The school has noted multiple students and families using the staff carpark as thoroughfare to walk into the school grounds from Alban Street. Due to the number of times throughout the school day when cars are entering and exiting, this is a serious safety concern for our school community. We implore students and families who are entering the school grounds from Alban Street to use the small pedestrian gate which is located just north of the carpark.
Ali's Brave Shave for BCNA (Breast Cancer Network Australia)
On Friday 17th November, Ali from the office will be shaving her hair to raise awareness and funds for Breast Cancer Network Australia.
If you can assist in anyway Ali would be extremely grateful.
Take care!
The Leadership Team