Classroom Connection

What's happening in the Grade 5/6 classrooms?

DELF examen en blanc/Mock exam

"Pour nous préparer pour le DELF, depuis septembre, nous faisons des ateliers dans les quatre domaines (compréhensions et productions orales et écrites) avec Mme Clapette et M. Prevet. Cette semaine, nous avons eu l’examen blanc du DELF. Nous avons passé toutes les épreuves dans les conditions réelles de l’examen. C’était une bonne expérience mais nous devons encore continuer nos efforts pour être plus en confiance pour le vrai examen. 

Merci à Mme Clapette, Mme Laforest, Mme Leduque et M. Prevet d’avoir été nos jurys pour l’épreuve orale."


From Andrea, Heloise, Margot, Clara M


"We are participating in workshops with Mme Clapette and M. Prevet to prepare for our DELF exams. This week we performed a mock in exam conditions.  It was a good experience, but we must continue to work to be more confident for the real exam.


Thank you to Mme Clapette, Mme Laforest, Mme Leduque and M. Prevet for acting as our jury for the practice oral exam."


From Andrea, Heloise, Margot, Clara M


"During this term our major activity is the delf exam. The DELF exam is a French exam, there are two parts of the exam: the writing and oral. In the oral exam we must read a text and then talk about it and say what you think about it. Then we must do a role play with the examinator. The writing exam is when we have to listen to audio conversation and respond to a question sheet. Then we must read a topic and write a text."


"Depuis plusieurs semaines, nous nous sommes entraînés pour le DELF. Cette semaine, nous avons fait le DELF blanc. Ça te met dans les mêmes conditions que le vrai examen du DELF, comme ca on saura comment ca se passe."

Division Softball play-offs

On Friday 27th October an AWESOME team of 5/6 girls participated in Division Softball Play-offs at Kingston Heath Reserve . We were up against many different schools and competed in 4 different matches! On a eu un très long lunch break et on s’est entraînées, après on a gagné notre dernier match 15 à 11 !!!


The 5/6 students have been looking at how we can enact change in our democracy. We have created our own political parties, campaigning for issues in our society. During this process we have come up with logos and catchy slogans, to designing posters that grab the attention of others. This had been really fun as we get to work with others outside our normal classroom and get to be as creative as we want, while learning how politics work. We can’t wait to create our speeches and present them to our classes.

Budding entrepreneurs in 12C!

We came up with the idea to have a sausage sizzle for the Grade 1/2 kids because we wanted to raise money to make our classrooms nicer. We had a few meetings with Mr Chant and he told us what we would need to do to organise it. Mme Wilson helped us to make a survey to find out which kids would like to buy a sausage. Mr Chant and Mrs Percil organised ordering the sausages and the bread. Mr Meo, Mr Borg and Mr Chant set up the barbeque and Mr Philibert joined us to cook a LOT of sausages! After the sausage sizzle, we counted all the money. There was just over $200 raised but it was a bit less than that really because some money has to pay for the bread and the sausages. Thank you Mr Chant, Mr Borg, Mr Meo, Mrs Percil and Mr Philibert for helping us with the sausage sizzle. We had a lot of fun and the sausages were absolutely delicious! We will use the money to buy some games for the Grade 1/2 classes to enjoy.


-Jonathan and Adam 1/2C

Halloween in 3/4!


Le Van du Livre

Les élèves et leur familles ont pu visiter la Van du Livre à CJC, et faire le plein de nouveaux bouquins en français.


Students and their families were able to visit French Book on Wheels at CJC, and renew their French books libraries.