Sports Information

Katie Goddard - Sports Coordinator


Swimming for Sport

Last Wednesday the children took part in the first day of Swimming for Sport. The weather was certainly a little cooler that anticipated however, the students seemed to enjoy the activities. Hopefully next week will be a little warmer.  Due to the lack of space in the pool change rooms, the K-2 students will be getting changed at school before they go over to the pool and the 3-6 students will get changed at the pool. 

Please ensure that your child packs their swimmers, sunscreen, towel and goggles if your child is more comfortable in the water with them. Thongs are also a  great idea when walking back and forth to the pool, especially if you have wet feet. Staff have made the decision that all students must wear a rashie. Long sleeve swimmers are acceptable. 


Due to children swimming on Wednesday this is our whole school sport activity for the week. No sport will be conducted on Fridays for Weeks 5 and 6 although sports uniform is still to be worn on both days.


Aquatic Skills

Aquatic Skills will be held every day of Week 7. We will have two highly qualified instructors from Gunnedah; Louise Shanley and Maxine Kiellor taking groups each day and working on learn to swim and stroke correction. Children that aren't swimming with these instructors will be swimming with other staff for the week. Confident swimmers will be working on water safety and endurance. 


If for any reason your child is unable to swim, please ensure that the reason is emailed or sent into the office. Students not swimming will go to the pool and sit in the shade and read a book as all staff will be at the pool if they have permission to do so.


Mrs Katie Goddard

Sports Co-ordinator