From the Principal's Desk
Mini Newsletter This Week
We are publishing a special "Mini Newsletter" today as we will be unable to publish one next week, due to the Sydney excursion. I just felt that there would be too much time between publications as we have a number of events happening at the moment. I hope the information below helps with your planning. - Brad
Congratulations Mrs Harper
Our Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction (APC&I), Sarah Harper, has been successful in gaining the relieving principal position at Kingstown Public School for 2024. This is wonderful news for Sarah. She is a very capable operator and will do a great job at Kingstown next year. It certainly is sad news for us, but we will see Sarah back at Rocky River after her relieving role has finished. I will commence an expression of interest process to fill Sarah's APC&I role for 2024 which is one day per week.
Just a reminder that we will hold our next assembly tomorrow, Friday the 10th November from 2.15pm. This is the last general assembly before presentation day. Everyone is most welcome to attend and help us celebrate the learning and achievements of our students.
Sydney Excursion
There are only 5 more sleeps until our Sydney excursion starts on Tuesday. All students have been provided with detailed information on what to bring and what we are doing each day. Please remember that students need to be able to carry their own luggage. We suggest a bag/suitcase with wheels to help them moving from our transport to the YHA and return. We will be uploading photos from time to time on the school Facebook page to keep families informed of our travels.
Please remember that all students must be at the Uralla Railway Station at 8.30am on Tuesday morning to catch the train. (The train cannot wait for anyone who is late).
School uniform is NOT required at any time on the excursion.
A reminder that phones or electronic devices with cameras or a sim card are not to be brought on the excursion as per NSW Government policy. If you need to contact us on the excursion, please call 0436 942 430.
As always, please contact me if you have any further questions.
Lower Division Next Week
Thanks to Leah Miller and Kirrily Hahn for taking Lower Division next week at various times while Miss Brown is on the Sydney excursion with us. We also hope the students enjoy their excursion to Armidale to go to the movies and the library. Thanks to the P&C for fully funding this opportunity for LD. Denise McGrath will be in the office while Anne is in Sydney with the excursion.
Learn to Swim Program
We will hold our learn to swim program from Monday 20th November until Friday 1st December (weeks 7 and 8). Detailed information and permission notes have been sent home. Please ensure these are returned by tomorrow. There is no cost for the program. We have secured funding to cover this.
Presentation Day
Just a reminder that Rocky River School Presentation Day will be held on Friday 8th December at school from 11am. A BBQ lunch will follow and then we will present our performance of The Lion King. Please mark this date and time in your calendar!
Remembrance Day
School leaders are invited from our local schools to attend the Remembrance Day ceremony at Alma Park on Saturday morning from 10.30am. At this stage we have one student leader who can assist with our wreath laying. If any other Year 6 student is able to join us, they would be most welcome.
AECG Meeting
The next Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) meeting will be held next Thursday 16th November from 3.30pm at the Uralla Bowling Club. Sarah Harper will represent me at the meeting as I will be in Sydney with our excursion. Please remember, any parents are welcome to attend these meetings.
Carols By Candlelight
We have been advised that the Uralla Carols By Candlelight will be held on Wednesday 6th December from 6pm at Alma Park. Leah Miller is currently organising a school item for the night for those students who can be there.
Safety Day - Wednesday 13th December
I have been able to organise a Safety Day for our students on Wednesday 13th December which is the last Wednesday of term. We will have the local police and fire brigade here to speak with students about being safe, cyber and fire safety.
Breakfast Club
You may have heard about our small breakfast club at school? The school is now offering students the opportunity to make some toast each morning before classes start if they wish. We have white and grain bread available along with vegemite, honey or jam. There is no cost for the toast. The breakfast club runs from 8.30-8.50 each morning.
Have a great fortnight!
Our next newsletter will be published in 2 weeks time on Wednesday 22nd November. This will mean that newsletters will be published in week 7 and 9 for the remainder of this term.
Keep an eye on the Facebook site next week for our Sydney photos!
Brad Hunt