Physical Education

Hi Families,
What a year of sport it has been! Firstly, a big thank you to everyone for their support of Twilight Sports. It was a huge team effort! The staff for their help (particularly year 6 teachers for helping me with getting the year 6ers organised), the year 6ers for running their rotations so well, the sport captains Ella and Ryland for starting and wrapping up the event so well and House Captains keeping up the cheering and sportsmanship. Parents for supporting your children and the students for coming along with their energy and enthusiasm. It was such a fabulous afternoon/evening!
Here are some great photos from the evening.
EMR Cricket
A big congratulations to the girls that attend the EMR cricket at Mullum Mullum on Friday and thank you to Sarah Plunkett that went along and coached them for the day. The girls did so well and came 3rd in their region overall! This is a fantastic achievement for a group of girls, with the majority never really playing cricket before. Thank you again to Craig Brookes for coaching the girls through Division and District also.
Girls Cricket Day Regionals!
Last Friday 10 year 5 and 6 girls competed in the Regionals cricket tournament. In Division we won most of the games drawing once! We weren't sure whether we had made it but we ended up winning with 50 runs more than the competing team! When it came to Regionals we knew we would come across tough competition.
We started off every game huddling together to pray and motivate each other! We did awesome with winning all of our games until we got to the semifinals where we came face to face with Canterbury who had won all their games as well. We were very happy with our accomplishments throughout the day. We tried our very best getting 6 wickets and putting all of our effort into this game despite how hot it was ( 31 degrees)! All of the girls displayed great sportsmanship when losing to only 20 runs!
By the end of the game we were hot and bothered but we picked ourselves up and went for the last game which ended up leaving us with a third place win! One of the highlights of our day was Lily J’s amazing bowl and catch leading to the umpire shaking her hand very impressed! Also both Lily C and Lily J, when they were together they were the dream team! Every single girl put their best foot forward and we are so proud of them! Thank you to all the girls who participated in our cricket journey.
On behalf of all the girls we would love to say a very special thanks to Craig Brooks who coached us during district and division and to Mrs Plunkett for coaching us in regionals. They both did a wonderful job! A special mention to Mrs. Deleo for driving us back to school and getting us a cold treat on the way home!
By Uma and Bethany
EMR Volleyball
A big congratulations also goes to our Volleyball stars for their achievements at the EMR day on Tuesday 31st October. The girls were against some tough competition and finished 3rd in their Region, which again is a massive achievement. The girls first played together in May and with no competition again until the end of September. They were practising over the past few weeks at lunchtime to improve their game and it is a testament to all of them! Thank you again to Mick and Kathryn McMahon for getting the girls this far.
Dates for 2024
The following dates you can pop in your calendars:
Swimming - Wednesday 28th February
Cross Country - Monday 20th May
Athletics - Tuesday 10th September
Twilight Sports Tuesday 31st October
Swimming Trials
Have been locked in for Wednesday 14th February at Aquanation, Ringwood. If your child would like to try out for the District Swimming Team, please click here to register their interest along with what strokes they will be trialling.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our parents that have volunteered for any of our inter school events this year! There have been a lot and your help is greatly appreciated. These events can’t run as smoothly with the extra hands, so thank you!!
Have a fabulous weekend.
Stay well, stay active
Catherine Wall
Health & PE Teacher
Sport Coordinator