Spotlight on Learning

Melbourne Zoo Excursion
Our excursion to the Melbourne Zoo was awesome and let us tell you why …
We got to see so many animals and even go to an animal talk where we got to find out so much about that animal. The seals were absolute show ponies. They came up to the glass and stayed there for at least six minutes. It was a super hot that day so the teacher organised for us to all have Zooper Doopers!!! We even got to do some fun activities in a booklet that was related to our learning at school. There were also some mist sprinklers to cool us all over the zoo.
For the excursion we had groups and it was fun mixing with other grades. Our favourite animals were the:
- Seals
- Red panda
- Elephants
- Meerkats
- Koalas
And we even got to go to the Koala talk. It was the best excursion ever!!!!! And don’t forget about going on buses and going on an adventure for the day!!!!!
By Georgia McMahon and Neve Barrie 3K
The excursion to the Melbourne Zoo was a really good experience. Seeing the Animals was great and we were lucky to see them up and about on the hot day. We were put in groups with the other class and other grades. We saw amazing animals and the keeper talks were informative and we learned a lot from them. The seals were trying to eat our hats from the other side of the glass. A fact that we learned was that Jurassic Park used elephant sounds for dinosaur noises. And also, elephants sniff poo to get to know each other.
Since it was such a hot day there were mist sprinklers to cool us off. We filled in our booklets with what we saw, what we did, what time we did it and what's good and bad about the Zoo. Some of our favourite animals were the elephants, platypuses, seals, kangaroos, dingoes, koalas and much more. The zoo was massive and we saw some other schools. It is cool how the zoo sections different regions or countries of animals for example The Australian Bush Animals, The Lion Gorge etc It was so cool that there were animals from different countries around the world.
We wish we could go there again. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!
By Mozzie Wales and Patchy Harvey 3K
Students of the week
Term 4, Week 4
Term 4, Week 5
Congratulations to our Students of the Week.