Performing Arts 

With Mrs Wilson

Christmas Concert 2023

It is hard to believe that we are in term four already. The children have been working so hard all year on developing their performance skills in performing arts and the time has come to begin practicing for our end of year Christmas Concert!


This is always an exciting time for the students as they work together as a class to present a song to compliment our Christmas story.


This years concert is called: The Night the Angels Danced. The story centers on the courtship of Mary and Joseph with a slight modern twist (as always). The concery will be perfromed at Sawyer Park Sound Shell, December 7th with a BYO  picnic dinner from 5.30pm, and the show to beging at 6.30pm.


The greade five & six classes each take part in an audition process, even if they do not wish to have a speific role. The speaking parts are trraditionally reserved for the grade six students, however some grade fives may also end up with a role if we need more people for a scene.


Stay tuned for our cast announcement in the coming weeks. You will find informatio regarding costumes for the night further down this page.


Love, Mrs Wilson