Student Services
Raise Mentoring Program
We are so proud of 15 of our young people who have recently graduated the Raise Mentoring Program. Over 20 weeks, our students met with trained mentors from the community who worked with them to help increase confidence, adapt to new situations, develop coping skills to deal with adversity and overcome challenges. We were elated to see our students receive their graduation certificates and to see the joy on their faces as they were individually encouraged by their mentors.
Staff Shout Out
We would like to acknowledge the significant contribution that Janelle Wilkinson has made towards supporting and facilitating the HSC for not only our students, but the young people sitting their exams from ET Australia.
Applications open for Disability Provisions for the 2024 HSC on the 6th November. Disability provisions in the HSC are practical arrangements designed to help students who couldn't otherwise make a fair attempt to show what they know in an exam room. The provisions granted are solely determined by how the student’s exam performance is affected. It is not embarrassing to apply for provisions, and more than 7000 HSC students apply for provisions each year. Provisions help students to show the markers what they know and can do. These provisions could include a reader, writer, extra time or breaks for a range of disabilities. Contact Janelle Wilkinson in Student Services for further information.
RIOT (Resilience in Our Teens)
Henry Kendall has embedded the Riot Program in our practices. The Riot Program helps to ensure there is a whole-of-school cultural change to addressing anxiety, improving school attendance, and improving student engagement and performance.
Every Wednesday during role call students will be encouraged to participate in and engage with short teachings around building resilience and strategies to support young people experiencing stress and anxiety.
On the 6th of November Henry Kendall held White Ribbon Day. White Ribbon Day is a day to educate and raise awareness around the issue of men's violence against women. Natasha Harman (Primary Prevention Project Specialist) from Catholic and Leonie Hannn (CEO) from Happiness Habits shared on the morning with our students about healthy relationships. Mr Herring then personally addressed the assembly, below is an exert of the speech:
“I want to leave you all today with an observation I have made in my 31 years living in my beautiful Central Coast. Our school, our staff, each and every one of you, knows the Henry Kendal way. I believe with every ounce of my heart that you all have such amazing potential. I am fiercely proud of this school, my school. It is because the Henry Kendal way is respect, honesty and love. I believe that you will all serve as the best possible role models for the rest of the Central Coast to learn from. You all can show the Coast what the Henry Kendall way is with acts of love. You all make me proud.”
At the conclusion of the presentation, students and staff acknowledged their pledge to not condone violence by tracing their handprint.
Mel Gould
Student Support Officer