Spotlight on Learning

Stage 1
Get set to encounter the World's Worst Children! While you won't encounter any in 2J, we did explore their antics towards the end of Term 3. Our class delved into David Walliams' novel 'The World's Worst Children'. We chuckled over Grubby Gertrude, who detested tidying, and Bertha the Blubberer, known for her constant tears. These mischievous youngsters had us in stitches!
In the process, students honed their skills in understanding how authors portray characters and how to draw comparisons between them. They also grasped the art of inferring and describing character traits from images, language, and conversations. 2J couldn't wait to craft their own dreadful characters. They began by brainstorming wicked traits, then infused a touch of rhyme or alliteration to concoct imaginative character names. After sketching their creations, they penned descriptive paragraphs about their chosen 'World's Worst Child'.
To cap it off, they polished their character profiles by typing them up on computers, mastering various functions on Word. Brace yourself to meet some of these peculiar personalities - although, fair warning, not all may be suitable for parental viewing! Among them are Sobby Sasha, Eli Earwax, Furious Fred, Leo the Liar, Horrible Harry, Rotten Ruby and Stinky Minky, just to name a few.
In our exploration of literature, we've honed the skill of uncovering and providing supporting evidence for the author's perspective. This proficiency doesn't stop at reading; it carries over into a multitude of subjects where substantiating our viewpoints with factual information is crucial. This foundational understanding is being instilled in the members of 2J, highlighting the universal significance of this aptitude across our academic endeavours.
In Mathematics over the next 2 weeks, students will learn how to use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in various situations. They will tackle problems and explore opposite operations. Additionally, they'll engage in activities involving repeated halving and doubling, gaining a practical understanding of these mathematical concepts. This unit aims to provide students with a strong foundation in these fundamental operations.
During fitness, Mrs Dong has been teaching 2J how to play European handball. This has to be our new favourite game. 2J know all the rules and show great team spirit.
Mrs Jones - Stage 2 Assistant Principal & 2J Classroom Teacher
Stage 2
Welcome back to Term 4. It was lovely to hear that students had a well-deserved and relaxing break. 3J entered the classroom feeling refreshed, excited and ready to start the term.
This week, students completed their informative speech presentations on 'Australia's Special Days'. As part of our History unit at the end of last term, they worked in pairs to research various celebrations and commemorations within Australia, such as ANZAC Day and Harmony Day. It was great to see the hard work students demonstrated throughout the process, from research and planning to writing and editing. They were all excited to share their presentations with the class.
We also began focusing on persuasive writing in English this week. 3J explored a range of persuasive devices, including rhetorical questions, the rule of three, emotive language and exaggeration. Using these different techniques makes our writing stronger, enabling us to effectively persuade the reader. Working in pairs, students created posters featuring examples of these persuasive techniques.
In maths this week, Year 3 learnt about fractions. We focused on plotting fractions (halves, quarters, and thirds), beyond 1 on the number line. Students were reminded about the importance of equal spacing when plotting their fractions. The number line helped students write number facts using the <, > and = signs to compare fractions. Students are looking forward to delving into a range of Maths topics this term, including ‘time’ this upcoming week!
Miss Jacob - 3J Classroom Teacher
Stage 3
In our Maths and English unit this semester, the Stage 3 students have been delving into the world of poetry and data analysis. After a refreshing two week holiday break, the students were eager to jump back into their learning journey.
In our English curriculum for this term, we are embarking on a journey through the enchanting realm of poetry. Students will have the opportunity to explore the beauty of words and the power of expression through various forms of poetry. From lyrical verses to haikus and limericks, our students will learn to craft their own poetic creations.
This week’s focus for Maths was data exploration. Stage 3 students learnt to collect, analyse, and interpret data in various forms. From conducting surveys and creating graphs to deciphering patterns and drawing conclusions, our students were able to apply their mathematical knowledge in practical contexts.
We look forward to the last term of the year filled with learning, growth, and exciting discoveries.
Mr Yu - 6Y Classroom Teacher