From the Principal's desk

We are now halfway through term 4 and the weeks are flying by. On Saturday two of our school leaders will be attending the Remembrance Day Service in Numurkah. We will hold a service at school on Monday next week. Poppys are available at the office to support the appeal.
The Year 5/6 students have enjoyed their first night of camp and are looking forward to more fun activities today. Thank you to Ms Sartoria, Mr Lelliott and Mrs Hope for attending with the students. We look forward to hearing all about it when they return on Friday.
Events coming up:
The prep and Year 1 extended play and Year 2 sleepover is coming up on Thursday the 23rd of November, with more information about the night coming home soon.
2024 Prep
The Prep transition sessions will continue each Monday until the State-wide Orientation Day on the 12th of December. If any families have not sent back enrolment forms for a child starting in 2024, please contact the office to organise this as soon as possible.