Save the date!


We invite families to come to our open classrooms between 9.30am and 10.00am followed by the Biggest Morning Tea. 

The Year Six Social Justice team have been planning for St Mary’s Biggest Morning Tea. There will be many different types of food such as: rum balls, lemon slice, cakes and other delicious foods. We are also asking for a gold coin donation to raise money for the Cancer Council. 



St. Mary’s Primary School Social Justice Leadership team

invites you to join us on Friday 31st May for 


- Open Classrooms

- Biggest Morning Tea 


Open Classrooms

Come and see our students work in action in their classrooms

9:30am  until 10:00am


Biggest Morning Tea 

hosted by the Year 6 Social Justice team 

St. Mary’s Multi Purpose Room

10:00am until 11:00am

Cash donations for the Cancer Council will be appreciated