"Watch This, Space!" - School Production

In week 6, Year 5 and 6 students had the opportunity to audition for a lead role in the upcoming 2024 St Mary's production Watch This, Space! Kristy (Artist-in-residence) and Gemma (production team member) wish to thank all students who auditioned and were very impressed with the confidence and talent demonstrated during this day. 


The production team look forward to working alongside Kristy McKenzie who will visit the school throughout Terms 2 and 3 to work with all students on this year’s production, in which a ragtag team of characters take a journey to the stars to save earth from a powerless, danceless future. Watch This, Space! is a play about hope and kindness, with hip-hop dances set to a soundtrack of popular songs. Each class will learn a dance in upcoming weeks and the exciting work already has begun with the following students starring as the lead cast:

Narapper 1: Nyawan Gerich

Narrapper 2: Spencer PietschPOW: Evelyn Dow-Rowan 

Alex Ibiem (A.I.): Imogen McNamara 

Dr Normal: Alex Baurer 

Patty: Hazel Holland 

Ren: Ursula Hall

Intergalactic Police 1: Jobe Walsh

Intergalactic Police 2: Freya Baum

Understudy 1: Tessa Hay 

Understudy 2: Charlotte Boyd

Understudy for Narappers: Ollie Permezel


The production will be showcased on Thursday the 12th of September at Trinity College. 

More details will be released once finalised.