Religious Education News

Father Michael’s Golden Jubilee
Last Friday we celebrated Father Michael’s wonderful achievement of 50 years of dedicated service to God and the Church as a priest. We attended mass with the students from Sacred Heart, St. Brendan’s, Thomas Carr College and the Trinity leaders. Afterwards, Fr. Michael ran through a Geelong Cats banner and did a “lap of honour” around the courts to the applause and cheers of all the children. He was presented with a book created by all the students to show their appreciation of his time and hard work for us all. Later the children gathered together to eat cupcakes! What a wonderful party for a very special man.
Prayer Gathering
Tomorrow the Grade One students will lead us in prayer at the church, with a theme of “love”. The following Friday our Prep students will lead us in prayer at the church, with the theme “hope”.
All welcome!
Andrew Chinn Visit
On Thursday June 27th we will have Andrew Chinn, Christian singer and songwriter, working with the students in workshops to learn and perform his songs. Andrew is an engaging and fun entertainer and we look forward to welcoming him back to St. Mary’s.
Jayne Brumby
Religious Education Leader