Principal Update

Thursday 23 May
Foundation 2025 Enrolment and Term 2 School Tours
This term schools across the state begin the enrolment process for Foundation in 2025. New and existing families are invited to tour the school by making an appointment.
Enrolments can be made online here
Annual Report to the School Community
Each year Victorian Government Schools provide an Annual Report to the school community.
The Annual Report is prepared in 2 parts, the performance summary (data sets), which detail the school’s performance trends over time and the 'About Our School' commentary which outlines our school context and achievements in 2023.
Our school's 2023 Annual Report has been certified by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and is now available for viewing on our school's website.
This week we had 5 students (Heidi M, Eilidh, Lilly, Kai and Archie W) represent our school at the Divisional Cross Country at the Yarra Valley Racecourse. These students should all be proud of their efforts as they all did their very best against some strong competitors.
Eilidh finished in the top 10 in her race and has qualified for next week’s Regional Cross Country – a wonderful achievement.
Our Marathon Club continues to run each Tuesday morning before school. So far, we have combined to run 761km. This is open to all community members – students, staff and families.
Illness and absence
It is appreciated by the school when families are keeping students at home when they are unwell to avoid spreading any illness. We also appreciate it is very challenging at the moment with so much going around.
Thanks to those families who are entering this information into compass attendance so we are aware too.
We are fortunate that we are almost always able to cover any staff absences due to illness, however at times it may become a challenge and we may need to be creative. You will be informed.
Is this striking to right chord? - Parent Battle of the Bands
This might sound a bit random, but some schools are looking to put on a fundraising gig at Sooki Lounge in Belgrave – a Parent Battle of the Bands.
There is an organisation who have been doing these shows in the city for a while:
The premise is that bands made up of parents from local primary schools all perform a gig together. A tentative booking is for Thursday 22 August. There are currently have two schools’ parent bands in on this. We need a minimum of 3 bands to make it viable, and no more than 5.
Each school will get a cut of any ticket sales for the night, with the proviso that the money raised is spent on the music program.
Cover bands are totally fine - It’s not really competitive, more about having a fun night out in a great venue and raising some dollars.
Do we have a band of parents that might be interested? If so, please let us know
We do have Assembly tomorrow at 2:45pm.
Upcoming dates to be aware of
At last months School Council meeting we approved some student free days for you all to be aware of.
- Thursday 25 July – staff will have professional learning in the morning and then conduct three-way conferences from 12pm – 5pm with families
- Monday 4 November – this will be an assessment and reporting day
We have plenty of activities to look forward to in the next couple of weeks so I encourage everyone to check compass and calendars for upcoming dates.
Dale McInerney