Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.



Week 5



For being a resilient learner who took responsibility for her needs and asked clarifying questions to understand classroom expectations. Your positive attitude to learning and school makes Prep A a happy place to learn.  Well done Anahita, you should feel proud of your resilience.



For being a curious learner who engaged fully with our Maths topic of Shape.  Asher listened carefully and built his knowledge of 2D shapes and 3D objects.  He made wonderful clear voice recordings to share his learning with his family.  Well done Asher, you are a great role model for our class.



For being a collaborative learner.  You are able to listen to discussions, and also  independently solve any problems that happen with other students to make the classroom a happy place. You have demonstrated that you try your best, that you are a team player and that you are respectful and kind.  You showed this in the way you participated in our Inquiry and Maths activities over the past week, setting such a great example for others. Keep up the amazing effort Jia.



For being a reflective learner who is doing her best and a little bit more in every learning task.  You listen attentively to instructions and work hard to apply feedback given.  You are always considerate of others and show great respect in the learning environment. Your patience and caring nature helps make our classroom a happy place to learn. Well done, Kiara.  



For being a creative learner who created a fantastic ramp during our inquiry learning on forces. You drove your learning faster than that car going down the ramp! That as well as your effort setting an example as a grade 2 leader have not gone unnoticed. Keep it up Axel!



for being a motivated learner who has been seeking feedback to improve his work! Ethan has bumped up his learning in literacy by applying new skills and acting on teacher feedback. You should be very proud of your efforts! Keep it up 



For being a curious learner during literacy last week. Rajneel was curious about Caimans and researched their diet, appearance, classification and habitat. Rajneel worked hard to put the research into his own words and has created a comprehensive fact file about Caimans. Keep up the great work, Rajneel!



For being a curious learner in inquiry learning. Haala has been driving her own learning by asking interesting questions and searching for answers. Well done Haala!



For being a resilient learner in Maths. Yvonne has embraced the challenging maths tasks and has been open to feedback to further her learning. You are always setting a great example to your peers. Keep up the great learning, Yvonne. 



For being a resilient learner in Maths this week. You are always willing to have a go during class number talks and are open to receiving and applying feedback to extend your understanding. Whilst working in small groups about Decimals, you were motivated and had a positive attitude to learning new concepts. Keep up these fantastic learning traits Mia!



For being a reflective learner.  You are kind and thoughtful and are able to reflect on how your actions affect others.  You put time and effort into your learning and are open to feedback.  You can think about what worked well and what didn’t and make adjustments. An example of this is your patterned writing. Keep up the great effort Mitchell!

Nick (PE)



For being a focused and determined member of our soccer team this season. You helped us win the game by scoring and being a dependable team member. Keep up the great work, and keep playing soccer! Excellent job, Chhazakhai

Week 6



For being a curious learner who does not hesitate when learning is challenging or different.  On our farm excursion Szechna jumped at the chance to feed the animals, scoop the poop and ride the pony.  She listened carefully to the farmer and knew exactly what to do.  Well done Szchna.



For being a motivated learner during our narrative writing lessons this week. You were able to come up with a great idea for an interesting problem in your story, and it was great to see how excited and motivated you were towards your learning. What a great example you have set for the rest of the class. Keep up the excellent work Saatvik!



For being a motivated learner in our maths lessons this week.  You applied your knowledge of mental and written strategies to solve open-ended addition and subtraction problems.  Your systematic approach to solving problems enabled you to generate a wide range of solutions.  Your positive and eager approach to challenges makes you a successful learner.  Congratulations, Jamie. 



For being a curious learner during maths this past week. You have shown an inquisitive attitude to our number topic, addition and extending your learning at home. Well done Izzy, keep it up!



For being a reflective learner during writing last week! Edna acted on feedback and instructions to improve her information report on Foxes. You have demonstrated high levels of accountability and should be proud of your efforts, well done! 



For being a curious learner during our Inquiry lessons last week. You approach all learning tasks with an inquisitive attitude and your Inquiry research about the endangered Red Panda is an example of this. You consistently follow our WOW’s and are always looking for ways to help others. We are so lucky to have you in 3/4O!



For being a motivated learner. You listen attentively to instructions and are ready for learning tasks. Your use of metaphors and personification in your narrative about “The Snow Storm” allowed the reader to truly visualise the setting and connect with the characters' experiences. Keep driving your learning, Akira. 



For being a creative and motivated learner. You always approach your learning with a positive attitude, and look for what you can do to take your work to the next level. This week you demonstrated these skills when working on your Religion project. You created an engaging video, explaining the connections between your faiths and the Catholic faith. You should be proud of the video you created! 



For being a motivated learner.  You approach your work with a positive attitude and always try to do your best and a little bit more.  You are ready for learning and consistently make good choices.  You ask for help when you need it and put time and effort into your learning!  Your narrative writing on natural disasters is an example of this.  Well done Alex!

Jane (Music)

Akira (1/2C)

For being a creative learner.

You used your creativity to dance to depict a beautiful strong and expressive ‘tree’. Akira you dramatised and danced your role confidently and your creativity gave others ideas of how to express theirs too. Thank you for all your efforts.

Jane (Japanese)

Ryan (5/6K)

For being a motivated learner. Ryan, you always give your full attention in Japanese class and are confident to have a go and both role model and practise new sentence structures and vocabulary. You did a great job on your Japanese test this week too. You are a wonderful contributor in class.

Nick (PE)

Harley (5/6K)

Ciara (5/6S)


For being a focused and determined member of our AFL team this season, you helped the team perform well and gave it your best. Thank you for working well with everyone and supporting the team. You are a dependable team member. Keep up the great work! Excellent job, Ciara and Harley.


(Jan- Maree)

Claudia 3/4

For being a motivated learner who participates in class discussions and has demonstrated a great understanding of the principles of design and construction this term in Visual Arts.