Project Share & Mid Year Reflections

Term Two

"When we look from a new perspective, the horizon shifts.  The world changes.  We can look and look at a thing until it becomes familiar and dear, and we think that we know it - and, then, a change in perspective offers a new context or story, illuminates a detail, illustrates a pattern.  We see things fresh, with more complexity and nuance."  

(2013 - Ann Pelo in 'The Goodness of Rain')


I was recently reminded of this quote in a beloved book, that made me once again reflect on how true this is.  Children bring a posture of awe, wonder, empathy and drive for justice in their play every day.  As I reflect on this terms learning (thus far) this statement rings true as we consider how much learning has come from rubbish, bridges and plants.


Green Team

There is no doubt that if you are part of the Green Team you have been hearing lots about rubbish this term; how it looks, where it should go, what you can do with it, how it interacts with the environment and more importantly what is our responsibility as Global citizens in our consumption and discarding of resources. 


Each day there is evidence that this research is getting traction as our youngest learners take to the environment with keen eyes to remove rubbish that has made it's way into the wrong spaces, conversations around the possibilities of reusing a resource and a willingness to engage with our new Worm Farms.

Blue Team

Some questions to ponder....................

What is the difference between a structure and a bridge?  Is a bridge actually a structure?

What is the purpose of a bridge?

What materials need to be used to create the integrity of the bridge safe for purpose?

At what point can you take the weight of an object to impact the stability of a bridge?


Just some of the questions being explored by the Blue Team this term with many more explorations to come.  There is certainly some magnificent bridges on the horizon!


Orange Team

With the exploration of the Community Garden came questions around the properties of plant life that give relevance to if a plant is dead or alive.  From looking, tasting and listening, to designing experiments to test our theories on what sustains the life of plants the children have built some funds of knowledge that satisfy the current thinking that plants need the right balance of sun, water, and root integrity (water, soil, rocks etc).  


The children have been exploring the key features of the life cycle of various plants, noting the life of a plant commences with a seed.  But where do these seeds come from?  After exploring lots of different seeds within various fruits and vegetables the team are ready to begin growing food from seeds so that they can harvest, cook and eat the harvest.


A wonderful term of learning with so many more questions and wonderings to explore!

Mid-Year Reflections

On Friday, June 28 your child's Mid-Year Reflection will be posted on their Storypark profile.  The Lead Teachers have been taking time to reflect on your child's learning journey with us thus far, and we look forward to sharing some further insights with you.