Learning and Teaching

The Inquiry Project
This week we continued our Inquiry support with Kate Korber. Kate has been collaborating with our staff to plan and implement engaging inquiry based learning experiences. Kate’s innovative methods and passion for fostering curiosity have inspired our staff and also our learners. Kate provides strategies for the classroom that promote active learning, critical thinking, and student agency, allowing our learners to take ownership of their learning journey. Attached are some photos of the experiences our learners have been engaged in.
If you’re interested to know more about Kate, her Instagram handle is #theinquiryproject
Year 1
This term we are learning about the history of Echuca. We have been focusing on significant sights around the area and the impact they have had for the people who live here. This week we learned about the old and new bridge joining Echuca to Moama. We looked at the structure of the bridges and discussed key features that make the bridges strong. The children were then challenged to design and make their own bridge, which would allow a toy car to cross. Here are some of our wonderful creations.