Catholic Identity

Pentecost is known as the beginning of the Christian Church, the Church’s birthday if you like. It marks the moment when the disciples went from living in fear and grief, to, having received the Holy Spirit, going out to the world to witness with courage and conviction to Jesus’ as risen and the Son of God. What a remarkable transformation and a reminder to us of the power of the Holy Spirit. We too have access to that power!! It gives us such hope that everyone of us can transform our lives - if we are open to the Spirit and invite the Spirit to be a part of our lives. Galatians 5: 22-23 names the fruits of the Spirit as: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control.
Whenever we see these fruits active in our lives we can be assured that the Holy Spirit is at work. We can become more imbued with and attuned to the Holy Spirit by taking time to reflect upon our day - where we have witnessed through others or displayed these fruits ourselves. It is helpful to name these moments. It is also helpful to name moments where these fruits were lacking in our day - and to ask the Spirit to help us in the future, so the next time we are in that situation, we can respond in a more Christian, Spirit filled way.
A prayer to use very often and that may be of assistance to you is:
Come Holy Spirit,
Fill my heart and kindle within me the fire of your ….
Then add the fruit or gift of the Spirit you feel you need at that particular time - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, wisdom, right judgement, self-control, or faithfulness,
Through Christ Our Lord,
Upcoming Events
Year Two Learners this Sunday will be representing our St. Mary’s School for Pentecost Sunday. Our learners will be involved with signing the opening hymn at our Parish Churches 9.30am Mass. We also have a number of our learners who will read their special pentecost prayers. Morning tea will be shared in the hospitality space of our Church afterwards. If your learners aren’t in Year Two, however and want to join in, we warmly welcome all.
Fire Carrier’s Commissioning Ceremony
Save the date: Wednesday the 29th of May, 2.10pm